
171 lines
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"""some pylint test utilities
import sys
from glob import glob
from os.path import join, abspath, dirname, basename, exists, splitext
from cStringIO import StringIO
from pylint.interfaces import IReporter
from pylint.reporters import BaseReporter
PREFIX = abspath(dirname(__file__))
def fix_path():
sys.path.insert(0, PREFIX)
SYS_VERS_STR = '%d%d' % sys.version_info[:2]
def get_tests_info(prefix, suffix):
"""get python input examples and output messages
We use following conventions for input files and messages:
for different inputs:
don't test for python < x.y -> input = <name>
don't test for python >= x.y -> input = <name>
for one input and different messages:
message for python <= x.y -> message = <name>_pyxy.txt
higher versions -> message with highest num
result = []
for fname in glob(join(PREFIX, 'input', prefix + '*' + suffix)):
infile = basename(fname)
fbase = splitext(infile)[0]
# filter input files :
pyrestr = fbase.rsplit('_py', 1)[-1] # like _26 or 26
if pyrestr.isdigit(): # '24', '25'...
if SYS_VERS_STR < pyrestr:
if pyrestr.startswith('_') and pyrestr[1:].isdigit():
# skip test for higher python versions
if SYS_VERS_STR >= pyrestr[1:]:
messages = glob(join(PREFIX, 'messages', fbase + '*.txt'))
# the last one will be without ext, i.e. for all or upper versions:
if messages:
for outfile in sorted(messages, reverse=True):
py_rest = outfile.rsplit('_py', 1)[-1][:-4]
if py_rest.isdigit() and SYS_VERS_STR >= py_rest:
outfile = None
result.append((infile, outfile))
return result
TITLE_UNDERLINES = ['', '=', '-', '.']
class TestReporter(BaseReporter):
""" store plain text messages
__implements____ = IReporter
def __init__(self):
self.message_ids = {}
def reset(self):
self.out = StringIO()
self.messages = []
def add_message(self, msg_id, location, msg):
"""manage message of different type and in the context of path """
fpath, module, object, line, _ = location
self.message_ids[msg_id] = 1
if object:
object = ':%s' % object
sigle = msg_id[0]
self.messages.append('%s:%3s%s: %s' % (sigle, line, object, msg))
def finalize(self):
for msg in self.messages:
print >>self.out, msg
result = self.out.getvalue()
return result
def display_results(self, layout):
"""ignore layouts"""
# # # # # pyreverse unittest utilities # # # # # #
from logilab.common.testlib import TestCase
import os
import sys
from os.path import join
from logilab.astng import MANAGER
def _astng_wrapper(func, modname):
return func(modname)
def _sorted_file(path):
lines = [line.strip() for line in open(path).readlines()
if (line.find('squeleton generated by ') == -1 and
not line.startswith('__revision__ = "$Id:'))]
lines = [line for line in lines if line]
return '\n'.join(lines)
def get_project(module, name=None):
"""return a astng project representation
manager = MANAGER
# flush cache
manager._modules_by_name = {}
return manager.project_from_files([module], _astng_wrapper,
DEFAULTS = {'all_ancestors': None, 'show_associated': None,
'module_names': None,
'output_format': 'dot', 'diadefs_file': None, 'quiet': 0,
'show_ancestors': None, 'classes': (), 'all_associated': None,
'mode': 'PUB_ONLY', 'show_builtin': False, 'only_classnames': False}
class Config(object):
"""config object for tests"""
def __init__(self):
for attr, value in DEFAULTS.items():
setattr(self, attr, value)
class FileTC(TestCase):
"""base test case for testing file output"""
generated_files = ()
def setUp(self):
self.expected_files = [join(dirname(abspath(__file__)), 'data', file)
for file in self.generated_files]
def tearDown(self):
for fname in self.generated_files:
def _test_same_file(self, index):
generated_file = self.generated_files[index]
expected_file = self.expected_files[index]
generated = _sorted_file(generated_file)
expected = _sorted_file(expected_file)
from difflib import unified_diff
files = "\n *** expected : %s, generated : %s \n" % (
expected_file, generated_file)
self.assertEqual(expected, generated, '%s%s' % (
files, '\n'.join(line for line in unified_diff(
expected.splitlines(), generated.splitlines() ))) )
def build_file_case(filetc):
for i in range(len(filetc.generated_files)):
setattr(filetc, 'test_same_file_%s' %i,
lambda self, index=i: self._test_same_file(index))