
216 lines
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"""Pylint plugin for Sphinx parameter documentation checking
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import re
from pylint.interfaces import IAstroidChecker
from pylint.checkers import BaseChecker
import astroid.scoped_nodes
class SphinxDocChecker(BaseChecker):
"""Checker for Sphinx documentation parameters
* Check that all function, method and constructor parameters are mentioned
in the Sphinx params and types part of the docstring. By convention,
constructor parameters are documented in the class docstring.
* Check that there are no naming inconsistencies between the signature and
the documentation, i.e. also report documented parameters that are missing
in the signature. This is important to find cases where parameters are
renamed only in the code, not in the documentation.
Activate this checker by adding the line::
to the ``MASTER`` section of your ``.pylintrc``.
:param linter: linter object
:type linter: :class:`pylint.lint.PyLinter`
__implements__ = IAstroidChecker
name = 'Sphinx doc checks'
msgs = {
'W9003': ('"%s" missing or differing in Sphinx params',
'Please add Sphinx param declarations for all arguments.'),
'W9004': ('"%s" missing or differing in Sphinx types',
'Please add Sphinx type declarations for all arguments.'),
options = ()
priority = -2
def __init__(self, linter=None):
BaseChecker.__init__(self, linter)
def visit_function(self, node):
"""Called for function and method definitions (def).
:param node: Node for a function or method definition in the AST
:type node: :class:`astroid.scoped_nodes.Function`
self.check_arguments_in_docstring(node, node.doc, node.args)
re_for_parameters_see = re.compile(r"""
""", re.X | re.S)
re_prefix_of_func_name = re.compile(r"""
.* # part before final dot
\. # final dot
""", re.X | re.S)
re_param = re.compile(r"""
""", re.X | re.S)
re_sphinx_param_in_docstring = re.compile(r"""
:param # Sphinx keyword
\s+ # whitespace
(?: # optional type declaration
(\w+) # Parameter name
\s* # whitespace
: # final colon
""", re.X | re.S)
re_sphinx_type_in_docstring = re.compile(r"""
:type # Sphinx keyword
\s+ # whitespace
(\w+) # Parameter name
\s* # whitespace
: # final colon
""", re.X | re.S)
not_needed_param_in_docstring = set(['self', 'cls'])
def check_arguments_in_docstring(self, node, doc, arguments_node):
"""Check that all arguments in a function, method or class constructor
on the one hand and the arguments mentioned in the Sphinx tags 'param'
and 'type' on the other hand are consistent with each other.
* Undocumented parameters except 'self' are noticed.
* Undocumented parameter types except for 'self' and the ``*<args>``
and ``**<kwargs>`` parameters are noticed.
* Parameters mentioned in the Sphinx documentation that don't or no
longer exist in the function parameter list are noticed.
* If there is a Sphinx link like ``:meth:...`` or ``:func:...`` to a
function carrying the same name as the current function, missing
parameter documentations are tolerated, but the existing parameters
mentioned in the documentation are checked.
* If there's no Sphinx parameter documentation at all, i.e. ``:param``
is never mentioned, the checker assumes that the parameters are
documented in some format other than Sphinx and the absence is
:param node: Node for a function, method or class definition in the AST.
:type node: :class:`astroid.scoped_nodes.Function` or
:param doc: Docstring for the function, method or class.
:type doc: str
:param arguments_node: Arguments node for the function, method or
class constructor.
:type arguments_node: :class:`astroid.scoped_nodes.Arguments`
# Tolerate missing param or type declarations if there is a link to
# another method carrying the same name.
if node.doc is None:
tolerate_missing_params = False
if ( is not None
or is None):
tolerate_missing_params = True
# Collect the function arguments.
expected_argument_names = [ for arg in arguments_node.args]
not_needed_type_in_docstring = (
if arguments_node.vararg is not None:
if arguments_node.kwarg is not None:
def compare_args(found_argument_names, message_id, not_needed_names):
"""Compare the found argument names with the expected ones and
generate a message if there are inconsistencies.
:param list found_argument_names: argument names found in the
:param str message_id: pylint message id
:param not_needed_names: names that may be omitted
:type not_needed_names: set of str
if not tolerate_missing_params:
missing_or_differing_argument_names = (
(set(expected_argument_names) ^ set(found_argument_names))
- not_needed_names)
missing_or_differing_argument_names = (
(set(found_argument_names) - set(expected_argument_names))
- not_needed_names)
if missing_or_differing_argument_names:
args=(', '.join(
# Sphinx param declarations
found_argument_names = []
for match in re.finditer(self.re_sphinx_param_in_docstring, doc):
name =
if is not None:
compare_args(found_argument_names, 'missing-sphinx-param',
# Sphinx type declarations
found_argument_names = re.findall(self.re_sphinx_type_in_docstring, doc)
compare_args(found_argument_names, 'missing-sphinx-type',
constructor_names = set(["__init__", "__new__"])
def visit_class(self, node):
"""Called for class definitions.
:param node: Node for a class definition in the AST
:type node: :class:`astroid.scoped_nodes.Class`
for body_item in node.body:
if (isinstance(body_item, astroid.scoped_nodes.Function)
and hasattr(body_item, 'name')):
if in self.constructor_names:
node, node.doc, body_item.args)
def register(linter):
"""Required method to auto register this checker.
:param linter: Main interface object for Pylint plugins
:type linter: Pylint object