root 4becf6f9e5 forget the past.
forget the past.
2006-04-26 10:48:09 +00:00

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Frequently Asked Questions / Usage tips for PyLint
Is it possible to give file as argument to pylint, instead of module ?
pylint expects the name of a package or module as argument. As a convenience,
you can give to it a file name if it's possible to guess a module name from
the file's path, using the python path. Some examples :
"pylint" should always works since the current working
directory is automatically added on top of the python path
"pylint directory/" will work if "directory" is a python
package (i.e. has an file) or if "directory" is in the
python path.
"pylint /whatever/directory/" will work if either:
- "/whatever/directory" is in the python path
- your cwd is "/whatever/directory"
- "directory" is a python package and "/whatever" is in the python
- "directory" is a python package and your cwd is "/whatever"
and so on...
I'm using psyobj from psyco_ and get a lot of spurious "unused variables
messages". Is it normal ?
Yes. That's actually due to a bug in psyco, making the locals()
function for objects inheriting from *psyobj* returning an empty
dictionary. For the moment, the only way to fix this is to use the
PYLINT_IMPORT environment variable to not use psyco during pylint
checking. Sample code ::
import os
if os.environ.has_key('PYLINT_IMPORT'):
raise ImportError()
from psyco.classes import psyobj
except ImportError:
class psyobj:
NOTICE: this problem should not occurs with pylint >= 0.5 since from
this version pylint is not looking anymore for information in living
objects (i.e. it doesn't anymore import analysed modules)
I've a function / method which is a callback where I do not have any
control on received argument, and pylint is complaining about unused
arguments. What can I do to avoid those warnings ?
prefix (ui) the callback's name by `cb_`, as in cb_onclick(...). By
doing so arguments usage won't be checked. Another solution is to
use one of the name defined in the "dummy-variables" configuration
variable for unused argument ("_" and "dummy" by default).
When pylint is considering a class as an interface ?
A class is considered as an interface if there is a class named
"Interface" somewhere in it ancestor's tree.
When pylint is considering that a class is implementing a given
interface ?
Pylint is using the Zope 2 interfaces conventions, and so is
considering that a class is implementing interfaces listed in its
__implements__ attribute.
When pylint is considering a class as an abstract class ?
A class is considered as an abstract class if at least one of its
methods is doing nothing but raising NotImplementedError
Is there some way to disable some message for a particular module
only ?
Yes, you can disable or enable (globally disabled) message at the
module level by adding the corresponding option in a comment at the
top of the file: ::
# pylint: disable-msg=W0401, E0202
# pylint: enable-msg=C0302
I've a mixin class relying on attributes of the mixed class, and I
would like to not have the "access to undefined member" message on
this class. Is it possible ?
Yes :o) To do so you have to set the ignore-mixin-members option to
"yes" (this is the default value) and to name your mixin class with
a name which ends with "mixin" (whatever case)
Is it possible to locally disabling a particular message for a block
of code or for a single line of code ?
Yes, this feature has been added in pylint 0.11. This may be done by
adding "#pylint: disable-msg=W0123,E4567" at the desired block level
or at the end of the desired line of code
Where are stored persistent data necessary to make comparison between
to successive run ?
Analysis data are stored as pickle file in a directory which is
localized using the following rules:
* value of the PYLINTHOME environment variable if set
* ".pylint.d" subdirectory of the user's home directory if it is found
(not always findable on Windows platforms)
* ".pylint.d" directory in the current directory
.. _psyco: