2016-07-10 11:18:24 +01:00

153 lines
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If you document the parameters of your functions, methods and constructors and
their types systematically in your code this optional component might
be useful for you. Sphinx style, Google style, and Numpy style are supported.
(For some examples, see .)
You can activate this checker by adding the line::
to the ``MASTER`` section of your ``.pylintrc``.
This checker verifies that all function, method, and constructor docstrings
include documentation of the
* parameters and their types
* return value and its type
* exceptions raised
and can handle docstrings in
* Sphinx style (``param``, ``type``, ``return``, ``rtype``,
``raise`` / ``except``)::
def function_foo(x, y, z):
'''function foo ...
:param x: bla x
:type x: int
:param y: bla y
:type y: float
:param int z: bla z
:return: sum
:rtype: float
:raises OSError: bla
return x + y + z
* or the Google style (``Args:``, ``Returns:``, ``Raises:``)::
def function_foo(x, y, z):
'''function foo ...
x (int): bla x
y (float): bla y
z (int): bla z
float: sum
OSError: bla
return x + y + z
* or the Numpy style (``Parameters``, ``Returns``, ``Raises``)::
def function_foo(x, y, z):
'''function foo ...
x: int
bla x
y: float
bla y
z: int
bla z
return x + y + z
You'll be notified of **missing parameter documentation** but also of
**naming inconsistencies** between the signature and the documentation which
often arise when parameters are renamed automatically in the code, but not in
the documentation.
Constructor parameters can be documented in either the class docstring or
the ``__init__`` docstring, but not both::
class ClassFoo(object):
'''Sphinx style docstring foo
:param float x: bla x
:param y: bla y
:type y: int
def __init__(self, x, y):
class ClassBar(object):
def __init__(self, x, y):
'''Google style docstring bar
x (float): bla x
y (int): bla y
In some cases, having to document all parameters is a nuisance, for instance if
many of your functions or methods just follow a **common interface**. To remove
this burden, the checker accepts missing parameter documentation if one of the
following phrases is found in the docstring:
* For the other parameters, see
* For the parameters, see
(with arbitrary whitespace between the words). Please add a link to the
docstring defining the interface, e.g. a superclass method, after "see"::
def callback(x, y, z):
'''Sphinx style docstring for callback ...
:param x: bla x
:type x: int
For the other parameters, see
return x + y + z
def callback(x, y, z):
'''Google style docstring for callback ...
x (int): bla x
For the other parameters, see
return x + y + z
Naming inconsistencies in existing parameter and their type documentations are
still detected.