abc abcmeta abstractproperty analyse analysed analysing arg argparse args argumentdefaultshelpformatter argumentparser argumentsparser argv ascii assignattr assignname ast AST astroid async asynccontextmanager attr attrib backport BaseChecker basename behaviour bidi Bitbucket bla bom bool boolean booleaness boolop boundmethod builtins bw callables cardinality cd cfg changelog cheaders chroot chunker classdef classdiagram classmethod classmethod's classname classobj CLI cls cmp codebase codec codecs col's conf config const Const contextlib contextmanager contravariance contravariant cpython CPython csv CVE cwd cyclomatic dataclass datetime debian deduplication deepcopy defaultdicts defframe defstmts deleter dependabot deque destructured destructuring diadefs diadefslib dictcomp dicts dir dirname docparams docstring docstrings dunder elif elif's elt emittable encodings endswith enum enums epilog epylint epytext erroring etree expr falsey favour filepath filestream finalbody # TODO Remove when we are able to remove our own symbols fixme Flymake fmt formatter formfeed fromlineno fullname func functiøn functiondef functools genexpr getattr globals GPL graphname graphviz guido's gv hashable hmac html idgeneratormixin ifexpr importedname importfrom importnode importschecker InferenceError ini INI init initializer inlinevar instantiation isdir isfile isinstance isort iter itered iterable iterables iteritems jn jpg json jx jython # class is a reserved word klass kwarg kwargs kwonlyargs latin len lhs linecache lineno linenum lineset lineset's linesets linkers linter linux listcomp Logilab longstring lsp mapfile mapreduce maxsize maxsplit mcs mermaidjs metaclass metaclasses misdesign misdesigns mixin modname monkeypatch mro # Used so much that we need the abbreviation msg msgid msgids msgs msg-template mult multiline multiset multisets myattr myfunction mymain mymethod mymodule mypy namedtuple namespace newsfile newstyle nl nodename nodeng noinspection nonlocal nonlocals num numpy ok optdict optik optionals optiondict optname optparse optvalue orelse os outputfile overridable params paren parens passthru positionals png pragma pragma's pragmas pre preorder prepended proc py pyenchant pyfile pylint pylintdict pylintrc pylint's pypy pyreverse pytest qname rawcheckers rc rcfile readlines recognise recurse recurses redef reportid rgx rheaders rhs roid rsplit rst rstrip rtype runtime se sep setcomp shortstrings singledispatch singledispatchmethod spammy sqlalchemy src starargs staticmethod stderr stdin stdlib stdout stmt str stringified subclasses subcommands subdicts subgraphs sublists subparsers subparts subprocess subscriptable subscripted subtree supcls superclass symilar sys tbump tempfile testcase testdata testoptions tmp tokencheckers tokeninfo tokenize tokenizer toml tomlkit toplevel towncrier tp truthness truthey tryexcept txt typecheck typechecking typeddict typehint typeshed uid uml un unary unflattens unhandled unicode Uninferable uninferable unittest # prefix for string ur ureport ureports utf utils validator vararg varargs variadic variadics vcg vcg's vectorisation virtualized wc whitespaces xfails xml xyz yml yoda