.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ============== Contributing ============== .. _bug reports, feedback: Bug reports, feedback --------------------- You think you have found a bug in Pylint? Well, this may be the case since Pylint is under heavy development! Please take the time to check if it is already in the issue tracker at https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint If you cannot find it in the tracker, create a new issue there or discuss your problem on the code-quality@python.org mailing list or using the discord server https://discord.gg/kFebW799. The code-quality mailing list is also a nice place to provide feedback about Pylint, since it is shared with other tools that aim at improving the quality of python code. Note that if you don't find something you have expected in Pylint's issue tracker, it may be because it is an issue with one of its dependencies, namely astroid: * https://github.com/PyCQA/astroid .. _Mailing lists: Discord server -------------- https://discord.gg/kFebW799 Mailing lists ------------- You can subscribe to this mailing list at https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/code-quality Archives are available at https://mail.python.org/pipermail/code-quality/ Archives before April 2013 are available at https://lists.logilab.org/pipermail/python-projects/ .. _repository: Repository ---------- Pylint is developed using the git_ distributed version control system. You can clone Pylint and its dependencies from :: git clone https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint git clone https://github.com/PyCQA/astroid .. _git: https://git-scm.com/ Got a change for Pylint? Below are a few steps you should take to make sure your patch gets accepted. - Test your code * Pylint is very well tested, with a high code coverage. It has two types of tests, usual unittests and functional tests. The usual unittests can be found under `/pylint/test` directory and they can be used for testing almost anything Pylint related. But for the ease of testing Pylint's messages, we also have the concept of functional tests. * You should also run all the tests to ensure that your change isn't a breaking one. You can run the tests using the tox_ package, as in:: python -m tox python -m tox -epy36 # for Python 3.6 suite only python -m tox -epylint # for running Pylint over Pylint's codebase python -m tox -eformatting # for running formatting checks over Pylint's codebase * It's usually a good idea to run tox_ with ``--recreate``. This is needed because the tox environment might use an older version of astroid_, which can cause various failures when you are running against the latest pylint:: python -m tox --recreate # The entire tox environment is going to be recreated * To run only a specific test suite, use a pattern for the test filename (**without** the ``.py`` extension), as in:: python -m tox -e py36 -- -k test_functional python -m tox -e py36 -- -k \*func\* * Since we just use pytest_ to run the tests, you can also use it as well, although we highly recommend using tox_ instead:: pytest pylint -k test_functional * ``pylint`` uses black_ and isort_ among other Python autoformatters. We have a pre-commit hook which should take care of the autoformatting for you. To enable it, do the following: * install ``pre-commit`` using ``pip install pre-commit`` * then run ``pre-commit install`` in the ``pylint`` root directory to enable the git hooks. - Add a short entry to the ChangeLog describing the change, except for internal implementation only changes. Not usually required, but for changes other than small bugs we also add a couple of sentences in the release document for that release, (`What's New` section). For the release document we usually write some more details, and it is also a good place to offer examples on how the new change is supposed to work. - Add a short entry in :file:`doc/whatsnew/VERSION.rst`. - Add yourself to the `CONTRIBUTORS` file, flag yourself appropriately (if in doubt, you're a ``contributor``). - Write a comprehensive commit message - Relate your change to an issue in the tracker if such an issue exists (see `Closing issues via commit messages`_ of the GitHub documentation for more information on this) - Document your change, if it is a non-trivial one. - Send a pull request from GitHub (see `About pull requests`_ for more insight about this topic) .. _functional_tests: Functional Tests ---------------- These are residing under '/pylint/test/functional' and they are formed of multiple components. First, each Python file is considered to be a test case and it should be accompanied by a .txt file, having the same name, with the messages that are supposed to be emitted by the given test file. In the Python file, each line for which Pylint is supposed to emit a message has to be annotated with a comment in the form ``# [message_symbol]``, as in:: a, b, c = 1 # [unbalanced-tuple-unpacking] If multiple messages are expected on the same line, then this syntax can be used:: a, b, c = 1.test # [unbalanced-tuple-unpacking, no-member] You can also use ``# +n: [`` with n an integer if the above syntax would make the line too long or other reasons:: # +1: [empty-comment] # If you need special control over Pylint's flag, you can also create a .rc file, which can have sections of Pylint's configuration. During development, it's sometimes helpful to run all functional tests in your current environment in order to have faster feedback. Run from Pylint root directory with:: python tests/test_functional.py You can use all the options you would use for pytest, for example `-k "test_functional[len_checks]"`. If required the .txt file can be re-generated from the current output by appending `--update-functional-output` to the command line:: python tests/test_functional.py --update-functional-output -k "test_functional[len_checks]" .. _`Closing issues via commit messages`: https://help.github.com/articles/closing-issues-via-commit-messages/ .. _`About pull requests`: https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests/ .. _tox: https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ .. _pytest: https://pytest.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ .. _black: https://github.com/ambv/black .. _isort: https://github.com/timothycrosley/isort .. _astroid: https://github.com/pycqa/astroid Tips for Getting Started with Pylint Development ------------------------------------------------ * Read the :ref:`technical-reference`. It gives a short walk through of the pylint codebase and will help you identify where you will need to make changes for what you are trying to implement. * :func:`astroid.extract_node` is your friend. Most checkers are AST based, so you will likely need to interact with :mod:`astroid`. A short example of how to use :func:`astroid.extract_node` is given :ref:`here `. * When fixing a bug for a specific check, search the code for the warning message to find where the warning is raised, and therefore where the logic for that code exists. Building the documentation ---------------------------- We use **tox** for building the documentation:: $ tox -e docs