# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, 2018, 2020 Claudiu Popa # Copyright (c) 2018 ssolanki # Copyright (c) 2018 Sushobhit <31987769+sushobhit27@users.noreply.github.com> # Copyright (c) 2018 Nick Drozd # Copyright (c) 2020 hippo91 # Copyright (c) 2020 Anthony Sottile # Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html # For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/master/COPYING """Micro reports objects. A micro report is a tree of layout and content objects. """ class VNode: def __init__(self, nid=None): self.id = nid # navigation self.parent = None self.children = [] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.children) def append(self, child): """add a node to children""" self.children.append(child) child.parent = self def insert(self, index, child): """insert a child node""" self.children.insert(index, child) child.parent = self def _get_visit_name(self): """ return the visit name for the mixed class. When calling 'accept', the method <'visit_' + name returned by this method> will be called on the visitor """ try: # pylint: disable=no-member return self.TYPE.replace("-", "_") # pylint: disable=broad-except except Exception: return self.__class__.__name__.lower() def accept(self, visitor, *args, **kwargs): func = getattr(visitor, "visit_%s" % self._get_visit_name()) return func(self, *args, **kwargs) def leave(self, visitor, *args, **kwargs): func = getattr(visitor, "leave_%s" % self._get_visit_name()) return func(self, *args, **kwargs) class BaseLayout(VNode): """base container node attributes * children : components in this table (i.e. the table's cells) """ def __init__(self, children=(), **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) for child in children: if isinstance(child, VNode): self.append(child) else: self.add_text(child) def append(self, child): """overridden to detect problems easily""" assert child not in self.parents() VNode.append(self, child) def parents(self): """return the ancestor nodes""" assert self.parent is not self if self.parent is None: return [] return [self.parent] + self.parent.parents() def add_text(self, text): """shortcut to add text data""" self.children.append(Text(text)) # non container nodes ######################################################### class Text(VNode): """a text portion attributes : * data : the text value as an encoded or unicode string """ def __init__(self, data, escaped=True, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) # if isinstance(data, unicode): # data = data.encode('ascii') assert isinstance(data, str), data.__class__ self.escaped = escaped self.data = data class VerbatimText(Text): """a verbatim text, display the raw data attributes : * data : the text value as an encoded or unicode string """ # container nodes ############################################################# class Section(BaseLayout): """a section attributes : * BaseLayout attributes a title may also be given to the constructor, it'll be added as a first element a description may also be given to the constructor, it'll be added as a first paragraph """ def __init__(self, title=None, description=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if description: self.insert(0, Paragraph([Text(description)])) if title: self.insert(0, Title(children=(title,))) class EvaluationSection(Section): def __init__(self, message, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) title = Paragraph() title.append(Text("-" * len(message))) self.append(title) message_body = Paragraph() message_body.append(Text(message)) self.append(message_body) class Title(BaseLayout): """a title attributes : * BaseLayout attributes A title must not contains a section nor a paragraph! """ class Paragraph(BaseLayout): """a simple text paragraph attributes : * BaseLayout attributes A paragraph must not contains a section ! """ class Table(BaseLayout): """some tabular data attributes : * BaseLayout attributes * cols : the number of columns of the table (REQUIRED) * rheaders : the first row's elements are table's header * cheaders : the first col's elements are table's header * title : the table's optional title """ def __init__(self, cols, title=None, rheaders=0, cheaders=0, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) assert isinstance(cols, int) self.cols = cols self.title = title self.rheaders = rheaders self.cheaders = cheaders