# Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html # For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/master/COPYING import builtins import astroid from pylint import checkers, interfaces from pylint.checkers import utils class NotChecker(checkers.BaseChecker): """checks for too many not in comparison expressions - "not not" should trigger a warning - "not" followed by a comparison should trigger a warning """ __implements__ = (interfaces.IAstroidChecker,) msgs = { "C0113": ( 'Consider changing "%s" to "%s"', "unneeded-not", "Used when a boolean expression contains an unneeded negation.", ) } name = "refactoring" reverse_op = { "<": ">=", "<=": ">", ">": "<=", ">=": "<", "==": "!=", "!=": "==", "in": "not in", "is": "is not", } # sets are not ordered, so for example "not set(LEFT_VALS) <= set(RIGHT_VALS)" is # not equivalent to "set(LEFT_VALS) > set(RIGHT_VALS)" skipped_nodes = (astroid.Set,) # 'builtins' py3, '__builtin__' py2 skipped_classnames = [ f"{builtins.__name__}.{qname}" for qname in ("set", "frozenset") ] @utils.check_messages("unneeded-not") def visit_unaryop(self, node): if node.op != "not": return operand = node.operand if isinstance(operand, astroid.UnaryOp) and operand.op == "not": self.add_message( "unneeded-not", node=node, args=(node.as_string(), operand.operand.as_string()), ) elif isinstance(operand, astroid.Compare): left = operand.left # ignore multiple comparisons if len(operand.ops) > 1: return operator, right = operand.ops[0] if operator not in self.reverse_op: return # Ignore __ne__ as function of __eq__ frame = node.frame() if frame.name == "__ne__" and operator == "==": return for _type in (utils.node_type(left), utils.node_type(right)): if not _type: return if isinstance(_type, self.skipped_nodes): return if ( isinstance(_type, astroid.Instance) and _type.qname() in self.skipped_classnames ): return suggestion = "{} {} {}".format( left.as_string(), self.reverse_op[operator], right.as_string(), ) self.add_message( "unneeded-not", node=node, args=(node.as_string(), suggestion) )