""" Example checker detecting deprecated functions/methods. Following example searches for usages of deprecated function `deprecated_function` and deprecated method `MyClass.deprecated_method` from module mymodule: .. code-block:: console $ cat mymodule.py def deprecated_function(): pass def myfunction(arg0, arg1, deprecated_arg1=None, arg2='foo', arg3='bar', deprecated_arg2='spam'): pass class MyClass: def deprecated_method(self): pass def mymethod(self, arg0, arg1, deprecated1=None, arg2='foo', deprecated2='bar', arg3='spam'): pass $ cat mymain.py from mymodule import deprecated_function, myfunction, MyClass deprecated_function() myfunction(0, 1, 'deprecated_arg1', deprecated_arg2=None) MyClass().deprecated_method() MyClass().mymethod(0, 1, deprecated1=None, deprecated2=None) $ pylint --load-plugins=deprecation_checker mymain.py ************* Module mymain mymain.py:3:0: W1505: Using deprecated method deprecated_function() (deprecated-method) mymain.py:4:0: W1511: Using deprecated argument deprecated_arg1 of method myfunction() (deprecated-argument) mymain.py:4:0: W1511: Using deprecated argument deprecated_arg2 of method myfunction() (deprecated-argument) mymain.py:5:0: W1505: Using deprecated method deprecated_method() (deprecated-method) mymain.py:6:0: W1511: Using deprecated argument deprecated1 of method mymethod() (deprecated-argument) mymain.py:6:0: W1511: Using deprecated argument deprecated2 of method mymethod() (deprecated-argument) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Your code has been rated at 2.00/10 (previous run: 2.00/10, +0.00) """ from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Set, Tuple, Union from pylint.checkers import BaseChecker, DeprecatedMixin from pylint.interfaces import IAstroidChecker if TYPE_CHECKING: from pylint.lint import PyLinter class DeprecationChecker(DeprecatedMixin, BaseChecker): """Class implementing deprecation checker.""" # DeprecationMixin class is Mixin class implementing logic for searching deprecated methods and functions. # The list of deprecated methods/functions is defined by implementing class via deprecated_methods callback. # DeprecatedMixin class is overriding attributes of BaseChecker hence must be specified *before* BaseChecker # in list of base classes. __implements__ = (IAstroidChecker,) # The name defines a custom section of the config for this checker. name = "deprecated" def deprecated_methods(self) -> Set[str]: """Callback method called by DeprecatedMixin for every method/function found in the code. Returns: collections.abc.Container of deprecated function/method names. """ return {"mymodule.deprecated_function", "mymodule.MyClass.deprecated_method"} def deprecated_arguments( self, method: str ) -> Tuple[Tuple[Union[int, None], str], ...]: """Callback returning the deprecated arguments of method/function. Returns: collections.abc.Iterable in form: ((POSITION1, PARAM1), (POSITION2: PARAM2) ...) where * POSITIONX - position of deprecated argument PARAMX in function definition. If argument is keyword-only, POSITIONX should be None. * PARAMX - name of the deprecated argument. """ if method == "mymodule.myfunction": # myfunction() has two deprecated arguments: # * deprecated_arg1 defined at 2nd position and # * deprecated_arg2 defined at 5th position. return ((2, "deprecated_arg1"), (5, "deprecated_arg2")) if method == "mymodule.MyClass.mymethod": # mymethod() has two deprecated arguments: # * deprecated1 defined at 2nd position and # * deprecated2 defined at 4th position. return ((2, "deprecated1"), (4, "deprecated2")) return () def register(linter: "PyLinter") -> None: linter.register_checker(DeprecationChecker(linter))