# Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html # For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/main/LICENSE # Copyright (c) https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/main/CONTRIBUTORS.txt # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name from __future__ import annotations import os import shutil from collections.abc import Iterator from os.path import exists import pytest from _pytest.fixtures import SubRequest from pylint import testutils from pylint.checkers import imports, initialize from pylint.lint import PyLinter @pytest.fixture def dest(request: SubRequest) -> Iterator[Iterator | Iterator[str]]: dest = request.param yield dest try: os.remove(dest) except FileNotFoundError: # file may not have been created if tests inside fixture skipped pass POSSIBLE_DOT_FILENAMES = ["foo.dot", "foo.gv", "tests/regrtest_data/foo.dot"] @pytest.mark.parametrize("dest", POSSIBLE_DOT_FILENAMES, indirect=True) def test_dependencies_graph(dest: str) -> None: """DOC files are correctly generated, and the graphname is the basename.""" imports._dependencies_graph(dest, {"labas": {"hoho", "yep"}, "hoho": {"yep"}}) with open(dest, encoding="utf-8") as stream: assert ( stream.read().strip() == """ digraph "foo" { rankdir=LR charset="utf-8" URL="." node[shape="box"] "hoho" []; "yep" []; "labas" []; "yep" -> "hoho" []; "hoho" -> "labas" []; "yep" -> "labas" []; } """.strip() ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("filename", ["graph.png", "graph"]) @pytest.mark.skipif( any(shutil.which(x) for x in ("dot", "gv")), reason="dot or gv is installed" ) def test_missing_graphviz(filename: str) -> None: """Raises if graphviz is not installed, and defaults to png if no extension given.""" with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=r"Cannot generate `graph\.png`.*"): imports._dependencies_graph(filename, {"a": {"b", "c"}, "b": {"c"}}) @pytest.fixture def linter() -> PyLinter: pylinter = PyLinter(reporter=testutils.GenericTestReporter()) initialize(pylinter) return pylinter @pytest.fixture def remove_files() -> Iterator: yield for fname in ("import.dot", "ext_import.dot", "int_import.dot"): try: os.remove(fname) except FileNotFoundError: pass @pytest.mark.usefixtures("remove_files") def test_checker_dep_graphs(linter: PyLinter) -> None: linter.set_option("persistent", False) linter.set_option("reports", True) linter.set_option("enable", "imports") linter.set_option("import_graph", "import.dot") linter.set_option("ext_import_graph", "ext_import.dot") linter.set_option("int_import_graph", "int_import.dot") linter.check(["input"]) linter.generate_reports() assert exists("import.dot") assert exists("ext_import.dot") assert exists("int_import.dot")