Release Process =============== Pre-developing -------------- 1. create a new section in the ChangeLog, with the name of the release and the estimated date when it is going to be published. If no date can be known at that time, we should use ``Undefined``. 2. create a new ``What's new in Pylint X.Y`` document. Take a look at the examples from doc/whatsnew. Pre-release ----------- 1. Preparation 1. Check if the dependencies of the package are correct 2. Update the version number in __pkginfo__ 3. Put the version number and the release date into the changelog 4. Put the release date into the ``What's new`` section. 5. Submit your changes. 2. Make sure the tests are passing on Travis: 3. Add a new tag 'pylint-$VERSION' 5. Publish all remaining changes to the GitHub repository: Release by running the following: For generating the new copyright notices for this release $ copyrite --contribution-threshold 1 --change-threshold 3 --backend-type git --aliases=.copyrite_aliases . --jobs=8 $ git clean -fdx && find . -name '*.pyc' -delete $ python sdist --formats=gztar bdist_wheel $ twine upload dist/*