import os import sys from astroid import modutils def _modpath_from_file(filename, is_namespace, path=None): def _is_package_cb(path, parts): return modutils.check_modpath_has_init(path, parts) or is_namespace return modutils.modpath_from_file_with_callback( filename, path=path, is_package_cb=_is_package_cb ) def get_python_path(filepath: str) -> str: """TODO This get the python path with the (bad) assumption that there is always an This is not true since python 3.3 and is causing problem.""" dirname = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(filepath)) if not os.path.isdir(dirname): dirname = os.path.dirname(dirname) while True: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirname, "")): return dirname old_dirname = dirname dirname = os.path.dirname(dirname) if old_dirname == dirname: return os.getcwd() def _basename_in_ignore_list_re(base_name, ignore_list_re): """Determines if the basename is matched in a regex ignorelist :param str base_name: The basename of the file :param list ignore_list_re: A collection of regex patterns to match against. Successful matches are ignored. :returns: `True` if the basename is ignored, `False` otherwise. :rtype: bool """ for file_pattern in ignore_list_re: if file_pattern.match(base_name): return True return False def expand_modules(files_or_modules, ignore_list, ignore_list_re): """Take a list of files/modules/packages and return the list of tuple (file, module name) which have to be actually checked.""" result = [] errors = [] path = sys.path.copy() for something in files_or_modules: basename = os.path.basename(something) if basename in ignore_list or _basename_in_ignore_list_re( basename, ignore_list_re ): continue module_path = get_python_path(something) additional_search_path = [".", module_path] + path if os.path.exists(something): # this is a file or a directory try: modname = ".".join( modutils.modpath_from_file(something, path=additional_search_path) ) except ImportError: modname = os.path.splitext(basename)[0] if os.path.isdir(something): filepath = os.path.join(something, "") else: filepath = something else: # suppose it's a module or package modname = something try: filepath = modutils.file_from_modpath( modname.split("."), path=additional_search_path ) if filepath is None: continue except (ImportError, SyntaxError) as ex: # The SyntaxError is a Python bug and should be # removed once we move away from imp.find_module: errors.append({"key": "fatal", "mod": modname, "ex": ex}) continue filepath = os.path.normpath(filepath) modparts = (modname or something).split(".") try: spec = modutils.file_info_from_modpath( modparts, path=additional_search_path ) except ImportError: # Might not be acceptable, don't crash. is_namespace = False is_directory = os.path.isdir(something) else: is_namespace = modutils.is_namespace(spec) is_directory = modutils.is_directory(spec) if not is_namespace: result.append( { "path": filepath, "name": modname, "isarg": True, "basepath": filepath, "basename": modname, } ) has_init = ( not (modname.endswith(".__init__") or modname == "__init__") and os.path.basename(filepath) == "" ) if has_init or is_namespace or is_directory: for subfilepath in modutils.get_module_files( os.path.dirname(filepath), ignore_list, list_all=is_namespace ): if filepath == subfilepath: continue if _basename_in_ignore_list_re( os.path.basename(subfilepath), ignore_list_re ): continue modpath = _modpath_from_file( subfilepath, is_namespace, path=additional_search_path ) submodname = ".".join(modpath) result.append( { "path": subfilepath, "name": submodname, "isarg": False, "basepath": filepath, "basename": modname, } ) return result, errors