# ORIGINAL here:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PyCQA/astroid/master/script/bump_changelog.py # DO NOT MODIFY DIRECTLY """ This script permits to upgrade the changelog in astroid or pylint when releasing a version. """ import argparse from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path DEFAULT_CHANGELOG_PATH = Path("ChangeLog") err = "in the changelog, fix that first!" TBA_ERROR_MSG = "More than one release date 'TBA' %s" % err NEW_VERSION_ERROR_MSG = "The text for this version '{version}' did not exists %s" % err NEXT_VERSION_ERROR_MSG = ( "The text for the next version '{version}' already exists %s" % err ) TODAY = datetime.now() WHATS_NEW_TEXT = "What's New in astroid" FULL_WHATS_NEW_TEXT = WHATS_NEW_TEXT + " {version}?" RELEASE_DATE_TEXT = "Release Date: TBA" NEW_RELEASE_DATE_MESSAGE = "Release Date: {}".format(TODAY.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) def main() -> None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(__doc__) parser.add_argument("version", help="The version we want to release") args = parser.parse_args() if "dev" not in args.version: version = args.version next_version = get_next_version(version) run(version, next_version) def get_next_version(version: str) -> str: new_version = version.split(".") patch = new_version[2] reminder = None if "-" in patch: patch, reminder = patch.split("-") patch = str(int(patch) + 1) new_version[2] = patch if reminder is None else f"{patch}-{reminder}" return ".".join(new_version) def run(version: str, next_version: str) -> None: with open(DEFAULT_CHANGELOG_PATH) as f: content = f.read() content = transform_content(content, version, next_version) with open(DEFAULT_CHANGELOG_PATH, "w") as f: f.write(content) def transform_content(content: str, version: str, next_version: str) -> str: wn_new_version = FULL_WHATS_NEW_TEXT.format(version=version) wn_next_version = FULL_WHATS_NEW_TEXT.format(version=next_version) # There is only one field where the release date is TBA assert content.count(RELEASE_DATE_TEXT) == 1, TBA_ERROR_MSG # There is already a release note for the version we want to release assert content.count(wn_new_version) == 1, NEW_VERSION_ERROR_MSG.format( version=version ) # There is no release notes for the next version assert content.count(wn_next_version) == 0, NEXT_VERSION_ERROR_MSG.format( version=next_version ) index = content.find(WHATS_NEW_TEXT) content = content.replace(RELEASE_DATE_TEXT, NEW_RELEASE_DATE_MESSAGE) end_content = content[index:] content = content[:index] content += wn_next_version + "\n" content += "=" * len(wn_next_version) + "\n" content += RELEASE_DATE_TEXT + "\n" * 4 content += end_content return content if __name__ == "__main__": main()