# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Ashley Whetter # Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Claudiu Popa # Copyright (c) 2016 Yuri Bochkarev # Copyright (c) 2016 Glenn Matthews # Copyright (c) 2016 Moises Lopez # Copyright (c) 2017 hippo91 # Copyright (c) 2017 Mitar # Copyright (c) 2018 ssolanki # Copyright (c) 2018 Anthony Sottile # Copyright (c) 2018 Mitchell T.H. Young # Copyright (c) 2018 Adrian Chirieac # Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html # For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/master/COPYING """Utility methods for docstring checking.""" from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import re import astroid from pylint.checkers import utils def space_indentation(s): """The number of leading spaces in a string :param str s: input string :rtype: int :return: number of leading spaces """ return len(s) - len(s.lstrip(" ")) def get_setters_property_name(node): """Get the name of the property that the given node is a setter for. :param node: The node to get the property name for. :type node: str :rtype: str or None :returns: The name of the property that the node is a setter for, or None if one could not be found. """ decorators = node.decorators.nodes if node.decorators else [] for decorator in decorators: if ( isinstance(decorator, astroid.Attribute) and decorator.attrname == "setter" and isinstance(decorator.expr, astroid.Name) ): return decorator.expr.name return None def get_setters_property(node): """Get the property node for the given setter node. :param node: The node to get the property for. :type node: astroid.FunctionDef :rtype: astroid.FunctionDef or None :returns: The node relating to the property of the given setter node, or None if one could not be found. """ property_ = None property_name = get_setters_property_name(node) class_node = utils.node_frame_class(node) if property_name and class_node: class_attrs = class_node.getattr(node.name) for attr in class_attrs: if utils.decorated_with_property(attr): property_ = attr break return property_ def returns_something(return_node): """Check if a return node returns a value other than None. :param return_node: The return node to check. :type return_node: astroid.Return :rtype: bool :return: True if the return node returns a value other than None, False otherwise. """ returns = return_node.value if returns is None: return False return not (isinstance(returns, astroid.Const) and returns.value is None) def _get_raise_target(node): if isinstance(node.exc, astroid.Call): func = node.exc.func if isinstance(func, (astroid.Name, astroid.Attribute)): return utils.safe_infer(func) return None def possible_exc_types(node): """ Gets all of the possible raised exception types for the given raise node. .. note:: Caught exception types are ignored. :param node: The raise node to find exception types for. :type node: astroid.node_classes.NodeNG :returns: A list of exception types possibly raised by :param:`node`. :rtype: set(str) """ excs = [] if isinstance(node.exc, astroid.Name): inferred = utils.safe_infer(node.exc) if inferred: excs = [inferred.name] elif node.exc is None: handler = node.parent while handler and not isinstance(handler, astroid.ExceptHandler): handler = handler.parent if handler and handler.type: inferred_excs = astroid.unpack_infer(handler.type) excs = (exc.name for exc in inferred_excs if exc is not astroid.Uninferable) else: target = _get_raise_target(node) if isinstance(target, astroid.ClassDef): excs = [target.name] elif isinstance(target, astroid.FunctionDef): for ret in target.nodes_of_class(astroid.Return): if ret.frame() != target: # return from inner function - ignore it continue val = utils.safe_infer(ret.value) if ( val and isinstance(val, (astroid.Instance, astroid.ClassDef)) and utils.inherit_from_std_ex(val) ): excs.append(val.name) try: return {exc for exc in excs if not utils.node_ignores_exception(node, exc)} except astroid.InferenceError: return set() def docstringify(docstring, default_type="default"): for docstring_type in [ SphinxDocstring, EpytextDocstring, GoogleDocstring, NumpyDocstring, ]: instance = docstring_type(docstring) if instance.is_valid(): return instance docstring_type = DOCSTRING_TYPES.get(default_type, Docstring) return docstring_type(docstring) class Docstring: re_for_parameters_see = re.compile( r""" For\s+the\s+(other)?\s*parameters\s*,\s+see """, re.X | re.S, ) supports_yields = None """True if the docstring supports a "yield" section. False if the docstring uses the returns section to document generators. """ # These methods are designed to be overridden # pylint: disable=no-self-use def __init__(self, doc): doc = doc or "" self.doc = doc.expandtabs() def is_valid(self): return False def exceptions(self): return set() def has_params(self): return False def has_returns(self): return False def has_rtype(self): return False def has_property_returns(self): return False def has_property_type(self): return False def has_yields(self): return False def has_yields_type(self): return False def match_param_docs(self): return set(), set() def params_documented_elsewhere(self): return self.re_for_parameters_see.search(self.doc) is not None class SphinxDocstring(Docstring): re_type = r""" [~!]? # Optional link style prefix \w(?:\w|\.[^\.])* # Valid python name """ re_simple_container_type = r""" {type} # a container type [\(\[] [^\n\s]+ [\)\]] # with the contents of the container """.format( type=re_type ) re_xref = r""" (?::\w+:)? # optional tag `{}` # what to reference """.format( re_type ) re_param_raw = r""" : # initial colon (?: # Sphinx keywords param|parameter| arg|argument| key|keyword ) \s+ # whitespace (?: # optional type declaration ({type}|{container_type}) \s+ )? (\w+) # Parameter name \s* # whitespace : # final colon """.format( type=re_type, container_type=re_simple_container_type ) re_param_in_docstring = re.compile(re_param_raw, re.X | re.S) re_type_raw = r""" :type # Sphinx keyword \s+ # whitespace ({type}) # Parameter name \s* # whitespace : # final colon """.format( type=re_type ) re_type_in_docstring = re.compile(re_type_raw, re.X | re.S) re_property_type_raw = r""" :type: # Sphinx keyword \s+ # whitespace {type} # type declaration """.format( type=re_type ) re_property_type_in_docstring = re.compile(re_property_type_raw, re.X | re.S) re_raise_raw = r""" : # initial colon (?: # Sphinx keyword raises?| except|exception ) \s+ # whitespace ({type}) # exception type \s* # whitespace : # final colon """.format( type=re_type ) re_raise_in_docstring = re.compile(re_raise_raw, re.X | re.S) re_rtype_in_docstring = re.compile(r":rtype:") re_returns_in_docstring = re.compile(r":returns?:") supports_yields = False def is_valid(self): return bool( self.re_param_in_docstring.search(self.doc) or self.re_raise_in_docstring.search(self.doc) or self.re_rtype_in_docstring.search(self.doc) or self.re_returns_in_docstring.search(self.doc) or self.re_property_type_in_docstring.search(self.doc) ) def exceptions(self): types = set() for match in re.finditer(self.re_raise_in_docstring, self.doc): raise_type = match.group(1) types.add(raise_type) return types def has_params(self): if not self.doc: return False return self.re_param_in_docstring.search(self.doc) is not None def has_returns(self): if not self.doc: return False return bool(self.re_returns_in_docstring.search(self.doc)) def has_rtype(self): if not self.doc: return False return bool(self.re_rtype_in_docstring.search(self.doc)) def has_property_returns(self): if not self.doc: return False # The summary line is the return doc, # so the first line must not be a known directive. return not self.doc.lstrip().startswith(":") def has_property_type(self): if not self.doc: return False return bool(self.re_property_type_in_docstring.search(self.doc)) def match_param_docs(self): params_with_doc = set() params_with_type = set() for match in re.finditer(self.re_param_in_docstring, self.doc): name = match.group(2) params_with_doc.add(name) param_type = match.group(1) if param_type is not None: params_with_type.add(name) params_with_type.update(re.findall(self.re_type_in_docstring, self.doc)) return params_with_doc, params_with_type class EpytextDocstring(SphinxDocstring): """ Epytext is similar to Sphinx. See the docs: http://epydoc.sourceforge.net/epytext.html http://epydoc.sourceforge.net/fields.html#fields It's used in PyCharm: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/2016.1/creating-documentation-comments.html#d848203e314 https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/2016.1/using-docstrings-to-specify-types.html """ re_param_in_docstring = re.compile( SphinxDocstring.re_param_raw.replace(":", "@", 1), re.X | re.S ) re_type_in_docstring = re.compile( SphinxDocstring.re_type_raw.replace(":", "@", 1), re.X | re.S ) re_property_type_in_docstring = re.compile( SphinxDocstring.re_property_type_raw.replace(":", "@", 1), re.X | re.S ) re_raise_in_docstring = re.compile( SphinxDocstring.re_raise_raw.replace(":", "@", 1), re.X | re.S ) re_rtype_in_docstring = re.compile( r""" @ # initial "at" symbol (?: # Epytext keyword rtype|returntype ) : # final colon """, re.X | re.S, ) re_returns_in_docstring = re.compile(r"@returns?:") def has_property_returns(self): if not self.doc: return False # If this is a property docstring, the summary is the return doc. if self.has_property_type(): # The summary line is the return doc, # so the first line must not be a known directive. return not self.doc.lstrip().startswith("@") return False class GoogleDocstring(Docstring): re_type = SphinxDocstring.re_type re_xref = SphinxDocstring.re_xref re_container_type = r""" (?:{type}|{xref}) # a container type [\(\[] [^\n]+ [\)\]] # with the contents of the container """.format( type=re_type, xref=re_xref ) re_multiple_type = r""" (?:{container_type}|{type}|{xref}) (?:\s+or\s+(?:{container_type}|{type}|{xref}))* """.format( type=re_type, xref=re_xref, container_type=re_container_type ) _re_section_template = r""" ^([ ]*) {0} \s*: \s*$ # Google parameter header ( .* ) # section """ re_param_section = re.compile( _re_section_template.format(r"(?:Args|Arguments|Parameters)"), re.X | re.S | re.M, ) re_keyword_param_section = re.compile( _re_section_template.format(r"Keyword\s(?:Args|Arguments|Parameters)"), re.X | re.S | re.M, ) re_param_line = re.compile( r""" \s* \*{{0,2}}(\w+) # identifier potentially with asterisks \s* ( [(] {type} (?:,\s+optional)? [)] )? \s* : # optional type declaration \s* (.*) # beginning of optional description """.format( type=re_multiple_type ), re.X | re.S | re.M, ) re_raise_section = re.compile( _re_section_template.format(r"Raises"), re.X | re.S | re.M ) re_raise_line = re.compile( r""" \s* ({type}) \s* : # identifier \s* (.*) # beginning of optional description """.format( type=re_type ), re.X | re.S | re.M, ) re_returns_section = re.compile( _re_section_template.format(r"Returns?"), re.X | re.S | re.M ) re_returns_line = re.compile( r""" \s* ({type}:)? # identifier \s* (.*) # beginning of description """.format( type=re_multiple_type ), re.X | re.S | re.M, ) re_property_returns_line = re.compile( r""" ^{type}: # indentifier \s* (.*) # Summary line / description """.format( type=re_multiple_type ), re.X | re.S | re.M, ) re_yields_section = re.compile( _re_section_template.format(r"Yields?"), re.X | re.S | re.M ) re_yields_line = re_returns_line supports_yields = True def is_valid(self): return bool( self.re_param_section.search(self.doc) or self.re_raise_section.search(self.doc) or self.re_returns_section.search(self.doc) or self.re_yields_section.search(self.doc) or self.re_property_returns_line.search(self._first_line()) ) def has_params(self): if not self.doc: return False return self.re_param_section.search(self.doc) is not None def has_returns(self): if not self.doc: return False entries = self._parse_section(self.re_returns_section) for entry in entries: match = self.re_returns_line.match(entry) if not match: continue return_desc = match.group(2) if return_desc: return True return False def has_rtype(self): if not self.doc: return False entries = self._parse_section(self.re_returns_section) for entry in entries: match = self.re_returns_line.match(entry) if not match: continue return_type = match.group(1) if return_type: return True return False def has_property_returns(self): # The summary line is the return doc, # so the first line must not be a known directive. first_line = self._first_line() return not bool( self.re_param_section.search(first_line) or self.re_raise_section.search(first_line) or self.re_returns_section.search(first_line) or self.re_yields_section.search(first_line) ) def has_property_type(self): if not self.doc: return False return bool(self.re_property_returns_line.match(self._first_line())) def has_yields(self): if not self.doc: return False entries = self._parse_section(self.re_yields_section) for entry in entries: match = self.re_yields_line.match(entry) if not match: continue yield_desc = match.group(2) if yield_desc: return True return False def has_yields_type(self): if not self.doc: return False entries = self._parse_section(self.re_yields_section) for entry in entries: match = self.re_yields_line.match(entry) if not match: continue yield_type = match.group(1) if yield_type: return True return False def exceptions(self): types = set() entries = self._parse_section(self.re_raise_section) for entry in entries: match = self.re_raise_line.match(entry) if not match: continue exc_type = match.group(1) exc_desc = match.group(2) if exc_desc: types.add(exc_type) return types def match_param_docs(self): params_with_doc = set() params_with_type = set() entries = self._parse_section(self.re_param_section) entries.extend(self._parse_section(self.re_keyword_param_section)) for entry in entries: match = self.re_param_line.match(entry) if not match: continue param_name = match.group(1) param_type = match.group(2) param_desc = match.group(3) if param_type: params_with_type.add(param_name) if param_desc: params_with_doc.add(param_name) return params_with_doc, params_with_type def _first_line(self): return self.doc.lstrip().split("\n", 1)[0] @staticmethod def min_section_indent(section_match): return len(section_match.group(1)) + 1 @staticmethod def _is_section_header(_): # Google parsing does not need to detect section headers, # because it works off of indentation level only return False def _parse_section(self, section_re): section_match = section_re.search(self.doc) if section_match is None: return [] min_indentation = self.min_section_indent(section_match) entries = [] entry = [] is_first = True for line in section_match.group(2).splitlines(): if not line.strip(): continue indentation = space_indentation(line) if indentation < min_indentation: break # The first line after the header defines the minimum # indentation. if is_first: min_indentation = indentation is_first = False if indentation == min_indentation: if self._is_section_header(line): break # Lines with minimum indentation must contain the beginning # of a new parameter documentation. if entry: entries.append("\n".join(entry)) entry = [] entry.append(line) if entry: entries.append("\n".join(entry)) return entries class NumpyDocstring(GoogleDocstring): _re_section_template = r""" ^([ ]*) {0} \s*?$ # Numpy parameters header \s* [-=]+ \s*?$ # underline ( .* ) # section """ re_param_section = re.compile( _re_section_template.format(r"(?:Args|Arguments|Parameters)"), re.X | re.S | re.M, ) re_param_line = re.compile( r""" \s* (\w+) # identifier \s* : \s* (?:({type})(?:,\s+optional)?)? # optional type declaration \n # description starts on a new line \s* (.*) # description """.format( type=GoogleDocstring.re_multiple_type ), re.X | re.S, ) re_raise_section = re.compile( _re_section_template.format(r"Raises"), re.X | re.S | re.M ) re_raise_line = re.compile( r""" \s* ({type})$ # type declaration \s* (.*) # optional description """.format( type=GoogleDocstring.re_type ), re.X | re.S | re.M, ) re_returns_section = re.compile( _re_section_template.format(r"Returns?"), re.X | re.S | re.M ) re_returns_line = re.compile( r""" \s* (?:\w+\s+:\s+)? # optional name ({type})$ # type declaration \s* (.*) # optional description """.format( type=GoogleDocstring.re_multiple_type ), re.X | re.S | re.M, ) re_yields_section = re.compile( _re_section_template.format(r"Yields?"), re.X | re.S | re.M ) re_yields_line = re_returns_line supports_yields = True @staticmethod def min_section_indent(section_match): return len(section_match.group(1)) @staticmethod def _is_section_header(line): return bool(re.match(r"\s*-+$", line)) DOCSTRING_TYPES = { "sphinx": SphinxDocstring, "epytext": EpytextDocstring, "google": GoogleDocstring, "numpy": NumpyDocstring, "default": Docstring, } """A map of the name of the docstring type to its class. :type: dict(str, type) """