from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Set, Union import astroid.bases from astroid import nodes from pylint.checkers import BaseChecker from pylint.checkers.utils import ( check_messages, is_node_in_type_annotation_context, safe_infer, ) from pylint.interfaces import IAstroidChecker from pylint.utils.utils import get_global_option if TYPE_CHECKING: from pylint.lint import PyLinter class TypingAlias(NamedTuple): name: str name_collision: bool DEPRECATED_TYPING_ALIASES: Dict[str, TypingAlias] = { "typing.Tuple": TypingAlias("tuple", False), "typing.List": TypingAlias("list", False), "typing.Dict": TypingAlias("dict", False), "typing.Set": TypingAlias("set", False), "typing.FrozenSet": TypingAlias("frozenset", False), "typing.Type": TypingAlias("type", False), "typing.Deque": TypingAlias("collections.deque", True), "typing.DefaultDict": TypingAlias("collections.defaultdict", True), "typing.OrderedDict": TypingAlias("collections.OrderedDict", True), "typing.Counter": TypingAlias("collections.Counter", True), "typing.ChainMap": TypingAlias("collections.ChainMap", True), "typing.Awaitable": TypingAlias("", True), "typing.Coroutine": TypingAlias("", True), "typing.AsyncIterable": TypingAlias("", True), "typing.AsyncIterator": TypingAlias("", True), "typing.AsyncGenerator": TypingAlias("", True), "typing.Iterable": TypingAlias("", True), "typing.Iterator": TypingAlias("", True), "typing.Generator": TypingAlias("", True), "typing.Reversible": TypingAlias("", True), "typing.Container": TypingAlias("", True), "typing.Collection": TypingAlias("", True), "typing.Callable": TypingAlias("", True), "typing.AbstractSet": TypingAlias("", False), "typing.MutableSet": TypingAlias("", True), "typing.Mapping": TypingAlias("", True), "typing.MutableMapping": TypingAlias("", True), "typing.Sequence": TypingAlias("", True), "typing.MutableSequence": TypingAlias("", True), "typing.ByteString": TypingAlias("", True), "typing.MappingView": TypingAlias("", True), "typing.KeysView": TypingAlias("", True), "typing.ItemsView": TypingAlias("", True), "typing.ValuesView": TypingAlias("", True), "typing.ContextManager": TypingAlias("contextlib.AbstractContextManager", False), "typing.AsyncContextManager": TypingAlias( "contextlib.AbstractAsyncContextManager", False ), "typing.Pattern": TypingAlias("re.Pattern", True), "typing.Match": TypingAlias("re.Match", True), "typing.Hashable": TypingAlias("", True), "typing.Sized": TypingAlias("", True), } ALIAS_NAMES = frozenset(key.split(".")[1] for key in DEPRECATED_TYPING_ALIASES) UNION_NAMES = ("Optional", "Union") class DeprecatedTypingAliasMsg(NamedTuple): node: Union[nodes.Name, nodes.Attribute] qname: str alias: str parent_subscript: bool class TypingChecker(BaseChecker): """Find issue specifically related to type annotations.""" __implements__ = (IAstroidChecker,) name = "typing" priority = -1 msgs = { "W6001": ( "'%s' is deprecated, use '%s' instead", "deprecated-typing-alias", "Emitted when a deprecated typing alias is used.", ), "R6002": ( "'%s' will be deprecated with PY39, consider using '%s' instead%s", "consider-using-alias", "Only emitted if 'runtime-typing=no' and a deprecated " "typing alias is used in a type annotation context in " "Python 3.7 or 3.8.", ), "R6003": ( "Consider using alternative Union syntax instead of '%s'%s", "consider-alternative-union-syntax", "Emitted when 'typing.Union' or 'typing.Optional' is used " "instead of the alternative Union syntax 'int | None'.", ), } options = ( ( "runtime-typing", { "default": True, "type": "yn", "metavar": "", "help": ( "Set to ``no`` if the app / library does **NOT** need to " "support runtime introspection of type annotations. " "If you use type annotations **exclusively** for type checking " "of an application, you're probably fine. For libraries, " "evaluate if some users what to access the type hints " "at runtime first, e.g., through ``typing.get_type_hints``. " "Applies to Python versions 3.7 - 3.9" ), }, ), ) _should_check_typing_alias: bool """The use of type aliases (PEP 585) requires Python 3.9 or Python 3.7+ with postponed evaluation. """ _should_check_alternative_union_syntax: bool """The use of alternative union syntax (PEP 604) requires Python 3.10 or Python 3.7+ with postponed evaluation. """ def __init__(self, linter: "PyLinter") -> None: """Initialize checker instance.""" super().__init__(linter=linter) self._alias_name_collisions: Set[str] = set() self._consider_using_alias_msgs: List[DeprecatedTypingAliasMsg] = [] def open(self) -> None: py_version = get_global_option(self, "py-version") self._py37_plus = py_version >= (3, 7) self._py39_plus = py_version >= (3, 9) self._py310_plus = py_version >= (3, 10) self._should_check_typing_alias = self._py39_plus or ( self._py37_plus and self.config.runtime_typing is False ) self._should_check_alternative_union_syntax = self._py310_plus or ( self._py37_plus and self.config.runtime_typing is False ) def _msg_postponed_eval_hint(self, node) -> str: """Message hint if postponed evaluation isn't enabled.""" if self._py310_plus or "annotations" in node.root().future_imports: return "" return ". Add 'from __future__ import annotations' as well" @check_messages( "deprecated-typing-alias", "consider-using-alias", "consider-alternative-union-syntax", ) def visit_name(self, node: nodes.Name) -> None: if self._should_check_typing_alias and in ALIAS_NAMES: self._check_for_typing_alias(node) if self._should_check_alternative_union_syntax and in UNION_NAMES: self._check_for_alternative_union_syntax(node, @check_messages( "deprecated-typing-alias", "consider-using-alias", "consider-alternative-union-syntax", ) def visit_attribute(self, node: nodes.Attribute) -> None: if self._should_check_typing_alias and node.attrname in ALIAS_NAMES: self._check_for_typing_alias(node) if self._should_check_alternative_union_syntax and node.attrname in UNION_NAMES: self._check_for_alternative_union_syntax(node, node.attrname) def _check_for_alternative_union_syntax( self, node: Union[nodes.Name, nodes.Attribute], name: str, ) -> None: """Check if alternative union syntax could be used. Requires - Python 3.10 - OR: Python 3.7+ with postponed evaluation in a type annotation context """ inferred = safe_infer(node) if not ( isinstance(inferred, nodes.FunctionDef) and inferred.qname() in {"typing.Optional", "typing.Union"} or isinstance(inferred, astroid.bases.Instance) and inferred.qname() == "typing._SpecialForm" ): return if not (self._py310_plus or is_node_in_type_annotation_context(node)): return self.add_message( "consider-alternative-union-syntax", node=node, args=(name, self._msg_postponed_eval_hint(node)), ) def _check_for_typing_alias( self, node: Union[nodes.Name, nodes.Attribute], ) -> None: """Check if typing alias is deprecated or could be replaced. Requires - Python 3.9 - OR: Python 3.7+ with postponed evaluation in a type annotation context For Python 3.7+: Only emit message if change doesn't create any name collisions, only ever used in a type annotation context, and can safely be replaced. """ inferred = safe_infer(node) if not isinstance(inferred, nodes.ClassDef): return alias = DEPRECATED_TYPING_ALIASES.get(inferred.qname(), None) if alias is None: return if self._py39_plus: self.add_message( "deprecated-typing-alias", node=node, args=(inferred.qname(),, ) return # For PY37+, check for type annotation context first if not is_node_in_type_annotation_context(node) and isinstance( node.parent, nodes.Subscript ): if alias.name_collision is True: self._alias_name_collisions.add(inferred.qname()) return self._consider_using_alias_msgs.append( DeprecatedTypingAliasMsg( node, inferred.qname(),, isinstance(node.parent, nodes.Subscript), ) ) @check_messages("consider-using-alias") def leave_module(self, node: nodes.Module) -> None: """After parsing of module is complete, add messages for 'consider-using-alias' check. Make sure results are safe to recommend / collision free. """ if self._py37_plus and not self._py39_plus: msg_future_import = self._msg_postponed_eval_hint(node) for msg in self._consider_using_alias_msgs: if msg.qname in self._alias_name_collisions: continue self.add_message( "consider-using-alias", node=msg.node, args=( msg.qname, msg.alias, msg_future_import if msg.parent_subscript else "", ), ) # Clear all module cache variables self._alias_name_collisions.clear() self._consider_using_alias_msgs.clear() def register(linter: "PyLinter") -> None: linter.register_checker(TypingChecker(linter))