# Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html # For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/main/LICENSE # Copyright (c) https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/main/CONTRIBUTORS.txt import contextlib import sys import traceback from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path from pylint.config import PYLINT_HOME from pylint.lint.expand_modules import get_python_path def prepare_crash_report(ex: Exception, filepath: str, crash_file_path: str) -> Path: issue_template_path = ( Path(PYLINT_HOME) / datetime.now().strftime(str(crash_file_path)) ).resolve() with open(filepath, encoding="utf8") as f: file_content = f.read() template = "" if not issue_template_path.exists(): template = """\ First, please verify that the bug is not already filled: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/ Then create a new crash issue: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/new?assignees=&labels=crash%2Cneeds+triage&template=BUG-REPORT.yml """ template += f"""\ Issue title: Crash ``{ex}`` (if possible, be more specific about what made pylint crash) Content: When parsing the following file: ```python {file_content} ``` pylint crashed with a ``{ex.__class__.__name__}`` and with the following stacktrace: ``` """ template += traceback.format_exc() template += "```\n" try: with open(issue_template_path, "a", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(template) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except print( f"Can't write the issue template for the crash in {issue_template_path} " f"because of: '{exc}'\nHere's the content anyway:\n{template}." ) return issue_template_path def get_fatal_error_message(filepath: str, issue_template_path: Path) -> str: return ( f"Fatal error while checking '{filepath}'. " f"Please open an issue in our bug tracker so we address this. " f"There is a pre-filled template that you can use in '{issue_template_path}'." ) def _patch_sys_path(args): original = list(sys.path) changes = [] seen = set() for arg in args: path = get_python_path(arg) if path not in seen: changes.append(path) seen.add(path) sys.path[:] = changes + sys.path return original @contextlib.contextmanager def fix_import_path(args): """Prepare 'sys.path' for running the linter checks. Within this context, each of the given arguments is importable. Paths are added to 'sys.path' in corresponding order to the arguments. We avoid adding duplicate directories to sys.path. `sys.path` is reset to its original value upon exiting this context. """ original = _patch_sys_path(args) try: yield finally: sys.path[:] = original