Alexei Frolov 4737349f12 Update docs target to only use ARM size reports
This change removes the host gcc and clang toolchains from the docs
target's toolchain size reports and switches the default toolchain to
ARM GCC for traditional size report targets.

Fixed: 122

Change-Id: Iafe7cedb160d16eea6f3d9d4f64671814bb73b80
2020-03-04 01:13:34 +00:00

296 lines
9.6 KiB

# Copyright 2019 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
# Creates a target which runs a size report diff on a set of executables.
# Args:
# base: The default base executable target to run the diff against. May be
# omitted if all binaries provide their own base.
# binaries: List of executables to compare in the diff.
# Each binary in the list is a scope containing up to three variables:
# label: Descriptive name for the executable. Required.
# target: Build target for the executable. Required.
# base: Optional base diff target. Overrides global base argument.
# source_filter: Optional regex to filter data source names in Bloaty.
# title: Optional title string to display with the size report.
# full_report: Optional boolean flag indicating whether to produce a full
# symbol size breakdown or a summary.
# Example:
# pw_size_report("foo_bloat") {
# base = ":foo_base"
# binaries = [
# {
# target = ":foo_static"
# label = "Static"
# },
# {
# target = ":foo_dynamic"
# label = "Dynamic"
# },
# ]
# title = "static vs. dynamic foo"
# }
template("pw_size_report") {
if (defined(invoker.base)) {
_global_base = invoker.base
_all_target_dependencies = [ _global_base ]
} else {
_all_target_dependencies = []
if (defined(invoker.title)) {
_title = invoker.title
} else {
_title = target_name
# This template creates an action which invokes a Python script to run a size
# report on each of the provided targets. Each of the targets is listed as a
# dependency of the action so that the report gets updated when anything is
# changed. Most of the code below builds the command-line arguments to pass
# each of the targets into the script.
_binary_paths = []
_binary_labels = []
_bloaty_configs = []
# Process each of the binaries, resolving their full output paths and building
# them into a list of command-line arguments to the bloat script.
foreach(binary, invoker.binaries) {
assert(defined(binary.label) && defined(,
"Size report binaries must define 'label' and 'target' variables")
_all_target_dependencies += [ ]
_target_dir = get_label_info(, "target_out_dir")
_target_name = get_label_info(, "name")
_binary_path = get_path_info(_target_dir, "abspath") + ":$_target_name"
# If the binary defines its own base, use that instead of the global base.
if (defined(binary.base)) {
_binary_base = binary.base
_all_target_dependencies += [ _binary_base ]
} else if (defined(_global_base)) {
_binary_base = _global_base
} else {
assert(false, "pw_size_report requires a 'base' file")
# Allow each binary to override the global bloaty config.
if (defined(binary.bloaty_config)) {
_bloaty_configs += [ get_path_info(binary.bloaty_config, "abspath") ]
} else {
_bloaty_configs +=
[ get_path_info(pw_executable_config.bloaty_config_file, "abspath") ]
_base_dir = get_label_info(_binary_base, "target_out_dir")
_base_name = get_label_info(_binary_base, "name")
_binary_path += ";" + get_path_info(_base_dir, "abspath") + ":$_base_name"
_binary_paths += [ _binary_path ]
_binary_labels += [ binary.label ]
_bloat_script_args = [
string_join(";", _bloaty_configs),
string_join(";", _binary_labels),
if (defined(invoker.full_report) && invoker.full_report) {
_bloat_script_args += [ "--full" ]
if (defined(invoker.source_filter)) {
_bloat_script_args += [
_doc_rst_output = "$target_gen_dir/${target_name}.rst"
# Create an action which runs the size report script on the provided targets.
pw_python_script(target_name) {
metadata = {
pw_doc_sources = rebase_path([ _doc_rst_output ], root_build_dir)
script = "$dir_pw_bloat/py/"
inputs = [
] + _bloaty_configs
outputs = [
deps = _all_target_dependencies
args = _bloat_script_args + _binary_paths
# Print size reports to stdout when they are generated.
capture_output = false
# Creates a report card comparing the sizes of the same binary compiled with
# different toolchains. The toolchains to use are listed in the build variable
# pw_size_report_toolchains.
# Args:
# base_executable: Scope containing a list of variables defining an executable
# target for the size report base.
# diff_executable: Scope containing a list of variables defining an executable
# target for the size report comparison.
# Outputs:
# $target_gen_dir/$target_name.txt
# $target_gen_dir/$target_name.rst
# Example:
# pw_toolchain_size_report("my_size_report") {
# base_executable = {
# sources = [ "" ]
# }
# diff_executable = {
# sources = [ "" ]
# deps = [ ":libfoo" ]
# }
# }
template("pw_toolchain_size_report") {
"pw_toolchain_size_report requires a base_executable")
"pw_toolchain_size_report requires a diff_executable")
_size_report_binaries = []
# Multiple build targets are created for each toolchain, which all need unique
# target names, so throw a counter in there.
i = 0
# Create a base and diff executable for each toolchain, adding the toolchain's
# linker script to the link flags for the executable, and add them all to a
# list of binaries for the pw_size_report template.
foreach(_toolchain, pw_size_report_toolchains) {
_prefix = "_${target_name}_${i}_pw_size"
# Create a config which adds the toolchain's linker script as a linker flag
# if the toolchain provides one.
_linker_script_target_name = "${_prefix}_linker_script"
config(_linker_script_target_name) {
if (defined(_toolchain.linker_script)) {
ldflags = [ "-T" + rebase_path(_toolchain.linker_script) ]
inputs = [ _toolchain.linker_script ]
} else {
ldflags = []
# Create a group which forces the linker script config its dependents.
_linker_group_target_name = "${_prefix}_linker_group"
group(_linker_group_target_name) {
public_configs = [ ":$_linker_script_target_name" ]
# Define the size report base executable with the toolchain's linker script.
_base_target_name = "${_prefix}_base"
executable(_base_target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker.base_executable, "*")
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
deps += [ ":$_linker_group_target_name" ]
# Define the size report diff executable with the toolchain's linker script.
_diff_target_name = "${_prefix}_diff"
executable(_diff_target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker.diff_executable, "*")
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
deps += [ ":$_linker_group_target_name" ]
# Force compilation with the toolchain.
_base_label = get_label_info(":$_base_target_name", "label_no_toolchain")
_base_with_toolchain = "$_base_label(${})"
_diff_label = get_label_info(":$_diff_target_name", "label_no_toolchain")
_diff_with_toolchain = "$_diff_label(${})"
# Append a pw_size_report binary scope to the list comparing the toolchain's
# diff and base executables.
_size_report_binaries += [
base = _base_with_toolchain
target = _diff_with_toolchain
label =
if (defined(_toolchain.bloaty_config)) {
bloaty_config = _toolchain.bloaty_config
i += 1
if (_size_report_binaries != []) {
# Create the size report which runs on the binaries.
pw_size_report(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "title" ])
binaries = _size_report_binaries
} else {
# If no toolchains are listed in pw_size_report_toolchains, prevent GN from
# complaining about unused variables and run a script that outputs a ReST
# warning to the size report file.
not_needed(invoker, "*")
_doc_rst_output = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.rst"
pw_python_script(target_name) {
metadata = {
pw_doc_sources = rebase_path([ _doc_rst_output ], root_build_dir)
script = "$dir_pw_bloat/py/"
args = [ _doc_rst_output ]
outputs = [ _doc_rst_output ]
# A base_executable for the pw_toolchain_size_report template which contains a
# main() function that loads the bloat_this_binary library and does nothing
# else.
pw_bloat_empty_base = {
deps = [ "$dir_pw_bloat:bloat_this_binary" ]
sources = [ "$dir_pw_bloat/" ]