Armando Montanez 5f10ff81c5 pw_thread: Add log level configs
Adds log level configs to all pw_thread modules.

Change-Id: Ifb9468e4a8a0593c8fcafd770bc23be82f14bb2b
Commit-Queue: Armando Montanez <>
Pigweed-Auto-Submit: Armando Montanez <>
Reviewed-by: Ewout van Bekkum <>
2021-08-14 00:00:53 +00:00

129 lines
4.4 KiB

.. _module-pw_thread_threadx:
This is a set of backends for pw_thread based on ThreadX.
.. Warning::
This module is still under construction, the API is not yet stable.
.. list-table::
* - :ref:`module-pw_thread` Facade
- Backend Target
- Description
* - ``pw_thread:id``
- ``pw_thread_threadx:id``
- Thread identification.
* - ``pw_thread:yield``
- ``pw_thread_threadx:yield``
- Thread scheduler yielding.
* - ``pw_thread:sleep``
- ``pw_thread_threadx:sleep``
- Thread scheduler sleeping.
* - ``pw_thread:thread``
- ``pw_thread_threadx:thread``
- Thread creation.
Module Configuration Options
The following configurations can be adjusted via compile-time configuration of
this module, see the
:ref:`module documentation <module-structure-compile-time-configuration>` for
more details.
Whether thread joining is enabled. By default this is disabled.
We suggest only enabling this when thread joining is required to minimize
the RAM and ROM cost of threads.
Enabling this grows the RAM footprint of every pw::thread::Thread as it adds
a TX_EVENT_FLAGS_GROUP to every thread's pw::thread::threadx::Context. In
addition, there is a minute ROM cost to construct and destroy this added
PW_THREAD_JOINING_ENABLED gets set to this value.
The default stack size in words. By default this uses the minimal ThreadX
stack size.
The maximum length of a thread's name, not including null termination. By
default this is arbitrarily set to 15. This results in an array of characters
which is this length + 1 bytes in every pw::thread::Thread's context.
The round robin time slice tick interval for threads at the same priority.
By default this is disabled as not all ports support this, using a value of 0
The minimum priority level, this is normally based on the number of priority
The default priority level. By default this uses the minimal ThreadX
priority level, given that 0 is the highest priority.
The log level to use for this module. Logs below this level are omitted.
In cases where an operation must be performed for every thread,
``ForEachThread()`` can be used to iterate over all the created thread TCBs.
Note that it's only safe to use this while the scheduler is disabled.
An ``Aborted`` error status is returned if the provided callback returns
``false`` to request an early termination of thread iteration.
Return values
* ``Aborted``: The callback requested an early-termination of thread iteration.
* ``OkStatus``: The callback has been successfully run with every thread.
Snapshot integration
This ``pw_thread`` backend provides helper functions that capture ThreadX thread
state to a ``pw::thread::Thread`` proto.
``SnapshotThread()`` captures the thread name, state, and stack information for
the provided ThreadX TCB to a ``pw::thread::Thread`` protobuf encoder. To ensure
the most up-to-date information is captured, the stack pointer for the currently
running thread must be provided for cases where the running thread is being
captured. For ARM Cortex-M CPUs, you can do something like this:
.. Code:: cpp
// Capture PSP.
void* stack_ptr = 0;
asm volatile("mrs %0, psp\n" : "=r"(stack_ptr));
pw::thread::ProcessThreadStackCallback cb =
[](pw::thread::Thread::StreamEncoder& encoder,
pw::ConstByteSpan stack) -> pw::Status {
return encoder.WriteRawStack(stack);
pw::thread::threadx::SnapshotThread(my_thread, stack_ptr,
snapshot_encoder, cb);
``SnapshotThreads()`` wraps the singular thread capture to instead captures
all created threads to a ``pw::thread::SnapshotThreadInfo`` message. This proto
message overlays a snapshot, so it is safe to static cast a
``pw::snapshot::Snapshot::StreamEncoder`` to a
``pw::thread::SnapshotThreadInfo::StreamEncoder`` when calling this function.