.. _module-pw_sys_io_stm32cube: ------------------- pw_sys_io_stm32cube ------------------- ``pw_sys_io_stm32cube`` implements the ``pw_sys_io`` facade over UART using the STM32Cube HAL to support an assortment of boards from STMicroelectronics. The UART baud rate is fixed at 115200 (8N1). Setup ===== This module requires relatively minimal setup: 1. Write code against the ``pw_sys_io`` facade. 2. Specify the ``dir_pw_sys_io_backend`` GN global variable to point to this backend. 3. Call ``pw_sys_io_Init()`` during init so the UART is properly initialized and configured. For devices other than the STM32F429I-DISC1, this module will need to be configured to use the appropriate GPIO pins and USART peripheral. Module Configuration Options ============================ The following configurations can be adjusted via compile-time configuration of this module, see the :ref:`module documentation ` for more details. .. c:macro:: PW_SYS_IO_STM32CUBE_USART_NUM The USART peripheral number to use. (1 for USART1, 2 for USART2, etc.) .. c:macro:: PW_SYS_IO_STM32CUBE_GPIO_PORT The port that the USART peripheral TX/RX pins are on. (e.g. to use A9/A10 pins for TX and RX, respectively, set this to A) This defaults to 64 Bytes. .. c:macro:: PW_SYS_IO_STM32CUBE_GPIO_TX_PIN The pin index to use for USART transmission within the port set by ``PW_SYS_IO_STM32CUBE_GPIO_PORT``. .. c:macro:: PW_SYS_IO_STM32CUBE_GPIO_RX_PIN The pin index to use for USART reception within the port set by ``PW_SYS_IO_STM32CUBE_GPIO_PORT``. Module usage ============ After building an executable that utilizes this backend, flash the produced .elf binary to the development board. Then, using a serial communication terminal like minicom/screen (Linux/Mac) or TeraTerm (Windows), connect to the device at a baud rate of 115200 (8N1). If you're not using a STM32F429I-DISC1 development board, manually connect a USB-to-serial TTL adapter to pins ``PA9`` (MCU TX) and ``PA10`` (MCU RX), making sure to match logic levels (e.g. 3.3V versus 1.8V). Sample connection diagram ------------------------- .. code-block:: text --USB Serial--+ +-----STM32F429 MCU----- | | TX o--->o PA10/USART1_RX | | RX o<---o PA9/USART1_TX | | --------------+ +-----------------------