.. default-domain:: cpp .. highlight:: sh ----------- pw_checksum ----------- The pw_checksum module provides functions for calculating checksums. pw_checksum/ccitt_crc16.h ========================= .. cpp:namespace:: pw::checksum .. cpp:var:: constexpr uint16_t kCcittCrc16DefaultInitialValue = 0xFFFF The default initial value for the CRC16. .. cpp:function:: uint16_t CcittCrc16(span data, uint16_t initial_value = kCcittCrc16DefaultInitialValue) Calculates the CRC16 of the provided data using polynomial 0x1021, with a default initial value of :cpp:expr:`0xFFFF`. To incrementally calculate a CRC16, use the previous value as the initial value. .. code-block:: cpp uint16_t crc = CcittCrc16(my_data); crc = CcittCrc16(more_data, crc); Compatibility ============= * C * C++17 Dependencies ============ * pw_span