.. _module-pw_software_update: ------------------- pw_software_update ------------------- This module provides the building blocks for an end-to-end, trusted software update solution. .. warning:: Documentation is incomplete and under construction. Overview ======== .. TODO(alizhang): Overall mental model and goals. Threats ------- .. TODO(alizhang): Explain the threats we mitigate and those we don't. Security -------- .. TODO(alizhang): Explain how trust is created, delivered, and shared between product owner and users to achieve security and privacy goals. Operations ---------- .. TODO(alizhang): Explain how, when used correctly, software update can profoundly improve development, release engineering, hardware ops, factory, metrics, and product launching workflows. Getting started =============== .. TODO(alizhang): Tutorials, codelabs, representative examples. Reference ========= Bundle format ------------- Manifesting ----------- Key management -------------- Signing ------- Building -------- Testing ------- Device provisioning ------------------- Device verification flow ------------------------