.. default-domain:: cpp .. highlight:: sh .. _chapter-pw-arduino-build: ----------------- pw_arduino_build ----------------- The ``pw_arduino_build`` module contains both the `arduino_builder`_ command line utility and an `Arduino Main Wrapper`_. .. seealso:: See the :ref:`chapter-arduino` target documentation for a list of supported hardware. Arduino Main Wrapper ==================== ``arduino_main_wrapper.cc`` implements the standard ``setup()`` and ``loop()`` functions [#f1]_ that are expected in Arduino sketches. Pigweed executables rely on being able to define the ``main()`` function. This is a problem for Arduino code as each core defines it's own ``main()``. To get around this the Pigweed Arduino target renames ``main()`` to ``ArduinoMain()`` using a preprocessor macro: ``-Dmain(...)=ArduinoMain()``. This macro only applies when compiling Arduino core source files. That frees up ``main()`` to be used elsewhere. Most Arduino cores will do some internal initialization before calling ``setup()`` followed by ``loop()``. To make sure Pigweed ``main()`` is started after that early init we run it within ``setup()``: .. code-block:: cpp void setup() { pw_arduino_Init(); // Start Pigweed main() main(); } void loop() {} .. note:: ``pw_arduino_Init()`` initializes the :ref:`chapter-pw-sys-io-arduino` module. .. warning:: You may notice ``loop()`` is empty in ``arduino_main_wrapper.cc`` and never called. This will cause any code appearing after ``loop()`` in an Arduino core to never be executed. For most cores this should be ok but may cause issues in some scenarios. arduino_builder =============== ``arduino_builder`` is utility that can extract compile and tooling information from an Arduino core. It's used within Pigweed to shovel compiler flags into the `GN `_ build system. It will also work without Pigweed and can be used with other build systems. Full documentation is pending. For now run ``arduino_builder --help`` for details. .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#f1] See the Arduino Reference documentation on `setup() `_, and `loop() `_.