.. _module-pw_blob_store: ------------- pw_blob_store ------------- ``pw_blob_store`` is a storage container library for storing a single blob of data. Blob_store is a flash-backed persistent storage system with integrated data integrity checking that serves as a lightweight alternative to a file system. Write and read are only done using the BlobWriter and BlobReader classes. Once a blob write is closed, reopening for write followed by a Discard(), Write(), or Erase() will discard the previous blob. Write blob: 0) Create BlobWriter instance 1) BlobWriter::Open(). 2) Add data using BlobWriter::Write(). 3) BlobWriter::Close(). Read blob: 0) Create BlobReader instance 1) BlobReader::Open(). 2) Read data using BlobReader::Read() or BlobReader::GetMemoryMappedBlob(). 3) BlobReader::Close(). Size report ----------- The following size report showcases the memory usage of the blob store. .. include:: blob_size .. note:: The documentation for this module is currently incomplete.