.. _module-pw_sys_io_mcuxpresso: ==================== pw_sys_io_mcuxpresso ==================== ``pw_sys_io_mcuxpresso`` implements the ``pw_sys_io`` facade using the NXP MCUXpresso SDK. The implementation is based on the debug console component. Setup ===== This module requires a little setup: 1. Use ``pw_build_mcuxpresso`` to create a ``pw_source_set`` for an MCUXpresso SDK. 2. Include the debug console component in this SDK definition. 3. Specify the ``pw_third_party_mcuxpresso_SDK`` GN global variable to specify the name of this source set. 4. Use a target that calls ``pw_sys_io_mcuxpresso_Init`` in ``pw_boot_PreMainInit`` or similar. The name of the SDK source set must be set in the "pw_third_party_mcuxpresso_SDK" GN arg Configuration ============= The configuration of the module can be adjusted via compile-time configuration of the MCUXpresso source set, see the :ref:`documentation ` for more details. .. c:macro:: DEBUG_CONSOLE_TRANSFER_NON_BLOCKING Whether the MCUXpresso debug console supports non-blocking transfers. The default will depend on your SDK configuration. Enabling this adds support for ``pw::sys_io::TryReadByte``.