.. _module-pw_sys_io: --------- pw_sys_io --------- This module defines a simple and unoptimized interface for byte-by-byte input/output. This can be done over a logging system, stdio, UART, via a photodiode and modulated kazoo, or basically any way to get data in and out of an application. This facade doesn't dictate any policies on input and output data encoding, format, or transmission protocol. It only requires that backends return a ``OkStatus()`` if the operation succeeds. Backends may provide useful error Status types, but depending on the implementation-specific Status values is NOT recommended. Since this facade provides a very vague I/O interface, it does NOT provide tests. Backends are expected to provide their own testing to validate correctness. The intent of this module for simplifying bringup or otherwise getting data in/out of a CPU in a way that is platform-agnostic. The interface is designed to be easy to understand. There's no initialization as part of this interface, there's no configuration, and the interface is no-frills WYSIWYG byte-by-byte i/o. **It is strongly advised NOT to build projects on top of this interface.** There are many drawbacks to using this interface, so it's not generally suited for use in production. Setup ===== This module requires relatively minimal setup: 1. Choose a ``pw_sys_io`` backend, or write one yourself. 2. If using GN build, Specify the ``pw_sys_io_BACKEND`` GN build arg to point the library that provides a ``pw_sys_io`` backend. Module usage ============ See backend docs for how to interact with the underlying system I/O implementation. Dependencies ============ * pw_sys_io_backend * pw_span * pw_status