.. _module-pw_bloat: -------- pw_bloat -------- The bloat module provides tools to generate size report cards for output binaries using `Bloaty McBloatface `_ and Pigweed's GN build system. Bloat report cards allow tracking the memory usage of a system over time as code changes are made and provide a breakdown of which parts of the code have the largest size impact. .. _bloat-howto: Defining size reports ===================== Size reports are defined using the GN template ``pw_size_report``. The template requires at least two executable targets on which to perform a size diff. The base for the size diff can be specified either globally through the top-level ``base`` argument, or individually per-binary within the ``binaries`` list. **Arguments** * ``title``: Title for the report card. * ``base``: Optional default base target for all listed binaries. * ``binaries``: List of binaries to size diff. Each binary specifies a target, a label for the diff, and optionally a base target that overrides the default base. * ``source_filter``: Optional regex to filter labels in the diff output. * ``full_report``: Boolean flag indicating whether to output a full report of all symbols in the binary, or a summary of the segment size changes. Default false. .. code:: import("$dir_pw_bloat/bloat.gni") executable("empty_base") { sources = [ "empty_main.cc" ] } exectuable("hello_world_printf") { sources = [ "hello_printf.cc" ] } exectuable("hello_world_iostream") { sources = [ "hello_iostream.cc" ] } pw_size_report("my_size_report") { title = "Hello world program using printf vs. iostream" base = ":empty_base" binaries = [ { target = ":hello_world_printf" label = "Hello world using printf" }, { target = ":hello_world_iostream" label = "Hello world using iostream" }, ] } Size reports are typically included in ReST documentation, as described in `Documentation integration`_. Size reports may also be printed in the build output if desired. To enable this in the GN build, set the ``pw_bloat_SHOW_SIZE_REPORTS`` build arg to ``true``. Documentation integration ========================= Bloat reports are easy to add to documentation files. All ``pw_size_report`` targets output a file containing a tabular report card. This file can be imported directly into a ReST documentation file using the ``include`` directive. For example, the ``simple_bloat_loop`` and ``simple_bloat_function`` size reports under ``//pw_bloat/examples`` are imported into this file as follows: .. code:: rst Simple bloat loop example ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. include:: examples/simple_bloat_loop Simple bloat function example ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. include:: examples/simple_bloat_function Resulting in this output: Simple bloat loop example ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. include:: examples/simple_bloat_loop Simple bloat function example ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. include:: examples/simple_bloat_function