.. _chapter-pw-string: .. default-domain:: cpp .. highlight:: sh --------- pw_string --------- String manipulation is a very common operation, but the standard C and C++ string libraries have drawbacks. The C++ functions are easy-to-use and powerful, but require too much flash and memory for many embedded projects. The C string functions are lighter weight, but can be difficult to use correctly. Mishandling of null terminators or buffer sizes can result in serious bugs. The ``pw_string`` module provides the flexibility, ease-of-use, and safety of C++-style string manipulation, but with no dynamic memory allocation and a much smaller binary size impact. Using ``pw_string`` in place of the standard C functions eliminates issues related to buffer overflow or missing null terminators. Compatibility ============= C++17 Dependencies ============ * ``pw_preprocessor`` * ``pw_status`` * ``pw_span`` Features ======== pw::string::Format ------------------ The ``pw::string::Format`` and ``pw::string::FormatVaList`` functions provide safer alternatives to ``std::snprintf`` and ``std::vsnprintf``. The snprintf return value is awkward to interpret, and misinterpreting it can lead to serious bugs. Size report: replacing snprintf with pw::string::Format ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``Format`` functions have a small, fixed code size cost. However, relative to equivalent ``std::snprintf`` calls, there is no incremental code size cost to using ``Format``. .. include:: format_size_report pw::StringBuilder ----------------- StringBuilder facilitates building formatted strings in a fixed-size buffer. It is designed to give the flexibility of ``std::string`` and ``std::ostringstream``, but with a small footprint. However, applications sensitive to code size should use StringBuilder with care. Size report: replacing snprintf with pw::StringBuilder ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The fixed code size cost of StringBuilder is significant, though smaller than ``std::snprintf``. Using StringBuilder's << and append methods exclusively in place of ``snprintf`` reduces code size, but ``snprintf`` may be difficult to avoid. The incremental code size cost of StringBuilder is comparable to ``snprintf`` if errors are handled. Each argument to StringBuilder's << expands to a function call, but one or two StringBuilder appends may have a smaller code size impact than a single ``snprintf`` call. .. include:: string_builder_size_report Future work ^^^^^^^^^^^ * StringBuilder's fixed size cost can be dramatically reduced by limiting support for 64-bit integers. * Consider integrating with the tokenizer module.