.. _module-pw_console-embedding: Embedding Guide =============== Using embed() ------------- ``pw console`` is invoked by calling ``PwConsoleEmbed().embed()`` in your own Python script. .. automodule:: pw_console.embed :members: PwConsoleEmbed :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Adding Log Metadata ------------------- ``pw_console`` can display log messages in a table with justified columns for metadata fields provided by :ref:`module-pw_log_tokenized`. It is also possible to manually add values that should be displayed in columns using the ``extra`` keyword argument when logging from Python. See the `Python's logging documentation`_ for how ``extra`` works. A dict of name, value pairs can be passed in as the ``extra_metadata_fields`` variable. For example, the following code will create a log message with two custom columns titled ``module`` and ``timestamp``. .. code-block:: python import logging LOG = logging.getLogger('log_source_1') LOG.info( 'Hello there!', extra={ 'extra_metadata_fields': { 'module': 'cool', 'timestamp': 1.2345, } } ) .. _Python's logging documentation: https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.html#logging.Logger.debug Debugging Serial Data --------------------- ``pw_console`` is often used to communicate with devices using `pySerial `_ and it may be necessary to monitor the raw data flowing over the wire to help with debugging. ``pw_console`` provides a simple wrapper for a pySerial instances that log data for each read and write call. .. code-block:: python # Instead of 'import serial' use this import: from pw_console.pyserial_wrapper import SerialWithLogging serial_device = SerialWithLogging('/dev/ttyUSB0', 115200, timeout=1) With the above example each ``serial_device.read`` and ``write`` call will create a log message to the ``pw_console.serial_debug_logger`` Python logger. This logger can then be included as a log window pane in the ``PwConsoleEmbed()`` call. .. code-block:: python import logging from pw_console import PwConsoleEmbed console = PwConsoleEmbed( global_vars=globals(), local_vars=locals(), loggers={ 'Host Logs': [ # Root Python logger logging.getLogger(''), # Your current Python package logger. logging.getLogger(__package__) ], 'Device Logs': [ logging.getLogger('usb_gadget') ], 'Serial Debug': [ # New log window to display serial read and writes logging.getLogger('pw_console.serial_debug_logger') ], }, app_title='CoolConsole', ) # Then run the console with: console.embed() .. figure:: images/serial_debug.svg :alt: Serial debug pw_console screenshot. Screenshot of issuing an Echo RPC with serial debug logging.