# Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not # use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. include_guard(GLOBAL) # Wrapper around cmake_parse_arguments that fails with an error if any arguments # remained unparsed. macro(_pw_parse_argv_strict function start_arg options one multi) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV "${start_arg}" arg "${options}" "${one}" "${multi}" ) if(NOT "${arg_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}" STREQUAL "") set(_all_args ${options} ${one} ${multi}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unexpected arguments to ${function}: ${arg_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}\n" "Valid arguments: ${_all_args}" ) endif() endmacro() # Automatically creates a library and test targets for the files in a module. # This function is only suitable for simple modules that meet the following # requirements: # # - The module exposes exactly one library. # - All source files in the module directory are included in the library. # - Each test in the module has # - exactly one source .cc file, # - optionally, one .c source with the same base name as the .cc file, # - only a dependency on the main module library. # - The module is not a facade. # # Modules that do not meet these requirements may not use # pw_auto_add_simple_module. Instead, define the module's libraries and tests # with pw_add_module_library, pw_add_facade, pw_add_test, and the standard CMake # functions, such as add_library, target_link_libraries, etc. # # This function does the following: # # 1. Find all .c and .cc files in the module's root directory. # 2. Create a library with the module name using pw_add_module_library with # all source files that do not end with _test.cc. # 3. Declare a test for each source file that ends with _test.cc. # # Args: # # IMPLEMENTS_FACADE - this module implements the specified facade # PUBLIC_DEPS - public target_link_libraries arguments # PRIVATE_DEPS - private target_link_libraries arguments # function(pw_auto_add_simple_module MODULE) _pw_parse_argv_strict(pw_auto_add_simple_module 1 "" "IMPLEMENTS_FACADE" "PUBLIC_DEPS;PRIVATE_DEPS;TEST_DEPS" ) file(GLOB all_sources *.cc *.c) # Create a library with all source files not ending in _test. set(sources "${all_sources}") list(FILTER sources EXCLUDE REGEX "_test(\\.cc|(_c)?\\.c)$") # *_test.cc list(FILTER sources EXCLUDE REGEX "^test(\\.cc|(_c)?\\.c)$") # test.cc list(FILTER sources EXCLUDE REGEX "_fuzzer\\.cc$") file(GLOB_RECURSE headers *.h) if(arg_IMPLEMENTS_FACADE) set(groups backends) else() set(groups modules "${MODULE}") endif() pw_add_module_library("${MODULE}" IMPLEMENTS_FACADES ${arg_IMPLEMENTS_FACADE} PUBLIC_DEPS ${arg_PUBLIC_DEPS} PRIVATE_DEPS ${arg_PRIVATE_DEPS} SOURCES ${sources} HEADERS ${headers} ) if(arg_IMPLEMENTS_FACADE) target_include_directories("${MODULE}" PUBLIC public_overrides) endif() pw_auto_add_module_tests("${MODULE}" PRIVATE_DEPS ${arg_PUBLIC_DEPS} ${arg_PRIVATE_DEPS} ${arg_TEST_DEPS} GROUPS ${groups} ) endfunction(pw_auto_add_simple_module) # Creates a test for each source file ending in _test. Tests with mutliple .cc # files or different dependencies than the module will not work correctly. # # Args: # # PRIVATE_DEPS - dependencies to apply to all tests # GROUPS - groups in addition to MODULE to which to add these tests # function(pw_auto_add_module_tests MODULE) _pw_parse_argv_strict(pw_auto_add_module_tests 1 "" "" "PRIVATE_DEPS;GROUPS" ) file(GLOB cc_tests *_test.cc) foreach(test IN LISTS cc_tests) get_filename_component(test_name "${test}" NAME_WE) # Find a .c test corresponding with the test .cc file, if any. file(GLOB c_test "${test_name}.c" "${test_name}_c.c") pw_add_test("${MODULE}.${test_name}" SOURCES "${test}" ${c_test} DEPS "$" ${arg_PRIVATE_DEPS} GROUPS "${MODULE}" ${arg_GROUPS} ) endforeach() endfunction(pw_auto_add_module_tests) # Sets the provided variable to the common library arguments. macro(_pw_library_args variable) set("${variable}" SOURCES HEADERS PUBLIC_DEPS PRIVATE_DEPS ${ARGN}) endmacro() # Creates a library in a module. The library has access to the public/ include # directory. # # Args: # # SOURCES - source files for this library # HEADERS - header files for this library # PUBLIC_DEPS - public target_link_libraries arguments # PRIVATE_DEPS - private target_link_libraries arguments # IMPLEMENTS_FACADES - which facades this library implements # function(pw_add_module_library NAME) _pw_library_args(list_args IMPLEMENTS_FACADES) _pw_parse_argv_strict(pw_add_module_library 1 "" "" "${list_args}") # Check that the library's name is prefixed by the module name. get_filename_component(module "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" NAME) if(NOT "${NAME}" MATCHES "${module}(\\.[^\\.]+)?(\\.facade)?$") message(FATAL_ERROR "Module libraries must match the module name or be in the form " "'MODULE_NAME.LIBRARY_NAME'. The library '${NAME}' does not match." ) endif() add_library("${NAME}" EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${arg_HEADERS} ${arg_SOURCES}) target_include_directories("${NAME}" PUBLIC public) target_link_libraries("${NAME}" PUBLIC pw_build ${arg_PUBLIC_DEPS} PRIVATE pw_build.strict_warnings pw_build.extra_strict_warnings ${arg_PRIVATE_DEPS} ) if(NOT "${arg_IMPLEMENTS_FACADES}" STREQUAL "") target_include_directories("${NAME}" PUBLIC public_overrides) set(facades ${arg_IMPLEMENTS_FACADES}) list(TRANSFORM facades APPEND ".facade") target_link_libraries("${NAME}" PUBLIC ${facades}) endif() # Libraries require at least one source file. if(NOT arg_SOURCES) target_sources("${NAME}" PRIVATE $) endif() endfunction(pw_add_module_library) # Declares a module as a facade. # # Facades are declared as two libraries to avoid circular dependencies. # Libraries that use the facade depend on a library named for the module. The # module that implements the facade depends on a library named # MODULE_NAME.facade. # # pw_add_facade accepts the same arguments as pw_add_module_library, except for # IMPLEMENTS_FACADES. It also accepts the following argument: # # DEFAULT_BACKEND - which backend to use by default # function(pw_add_facade NAME) _pw_library_args(list_args) _pw_parse_argv_strict(pw_add_facade 1 "" "DEFAULT_BACKEND" "${list_args}") # If no backend is set, a script that displays an error message is used # instead. If the facade is used in the build, it fails with this error. add_custom_target("${NAME}._no_backend_set_message" COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E echo "ERROR: Attempted to build the ${NAME} facade with no backend." "Configure the ${NAME} backend using pw_set_backend or remove all dependencies on it." "See https://pigweed.dev/pw_build." COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E false ) add_library("${NAME}.NO_BACKEND_SET" INTERFACE) add_dependencies("${NAME}.NO_BACKEND_SET" "${NAME}._no_backend_set_message") # Set the default backend to the error message if no default is specified. if("${arg_DEFAULT_BACKEND}" STREQUAL "") set(arg_DEFAULT_BACKEND "${NAME}.NO_BACKEND_SET") endif() # Declare the backend variable for this facade. set("${NAME}_BACKEND" "${arg_DEFAULT_BACKEND}" CACHE STRING "Backend for ${NAME}") # This target is never used; it simply tests that the specified backend # actually exists in the build. The generator expression will fail to evaluate # if the target is not defined. add_custom_target(_pw_check_that_backend_for_${NAME}_is_defined COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "$" ) # Define the facade library, which is used by the backend to avoid circular # dependencies. add_library("${NAME}.facade" INTERFACE) target_include_directories("${NAME}.facade" INTERFACE public) target_link_libraries("${NAME}.facade" INTERFACE ${arg_PUBLIC_DEPS}) # Define the public-facing library for this facade, which depends on the # header files in .facade target and exposes the dependency on the backend. pw_add_module_library("${NAME}" SOURCES ${arg_SOURCES} HEADERS ${arg_HEADERS} PUBLIC_DEPS "${NAME}.facade" "${${NAME}_BACKEND}" ) endfunction(pw_add_facade) # Sets which backend to use for the given facade. function(pw_set_backend FACADE BACKEND) set("${FACADE}_BACKEND" "${BACKEND}" CACHE STRING "Backend for ${NAME}" FORCE) endfunction(pw_set_backend) # Declares a unit test. Creates two targets: # # * - the test executable # * .run - builds and runs the test # # Args: # # NAME: name to use for the target # SOURCES: source files for this test # DEPS: libraries on which this test depends # GROUPS: groups to which to add this test; if none are specified, the test is # added to the 'default' and 'all' groups # function(pw_add_test NAME) _pw_parse_argv_strict(pw_add_test 1 "" "" "SOURCES;DEPS;GROUPS") add_executable("${NAME}" EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${arg_SOURCES}) target_link_libraries("${NAME}" PRIVATE pw_unit_test pw_unit_test.main ${arg_DEPS} ) # Define a target for running the test. The target creates a stamp file to # indicate successful test completion. This allows running tests in parallel # with Ninja's full dependency resolution. add_custom_command( COMMAND # TODO(hepler): This only runs local test binaries. Execute a test runner # instead to support device test runs. "$" COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E touch "${NAME}.stamp" DEPENDS "${NAME}" OUTPUT "${NAME}.stamp" ) add_custom_target("${NAME}.run" DEPENDS "${NAME}.stamp") # Always add tests to the "all" group. If no groups are provided, add the # test to the "default" group. if(arg_GROUPS) set(groups all ${arg_GROUPS}) else() set(groups all default) endif() list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES groups) pw_add_test_to_groups("${NAME}" ${groups}) endfunction(pw_add_test) # Adds a test target to the specified test groups. Test groups can be built with # the pw_tests_GROUP_NAME target or executed with the pw_run_tests_GROUP_NAME # target. function(pw_add_test_to_groups TEST_NAME) foreach(group IN LISTS ARGN) if(NOT TARGET "pw_tests.${group}") add_custom_target("pw_tests.${group}") add_custom_target("pw_run_tests.${group}") endif() add_dependencies("pw_tests.${group}" "${TEST_NAME}") add_dependencies("pw_run_tests.${group}" "${TEST_NAME}.run") endforeach() endfunction(pw_add_test_to_groups)